Evil Neighbor

He Miao had been going out early and coming back late every day to film. Today, she could finally go back early. At the entrance of the neighborhood, she happened to meet the woman who had been blocked by them in the corridor last time.

The woman was carrying a large bag of things she had just bought from the supermarket. She enthusiastically gave her a few fruits and smiled. "You're still a student, right? You must be studying hard since you come back so late every day. You need to eat more to nourish yourself."

He Miao accepted it with a smile. When she got home, she took out a few bottles of imported milk from the refrigerator as a return gift. Grandpa Jing had someone send them over. She knocked on the door of her neighbor upstairs.

The person who opened the door was not the woman she had just met, but a man with a buzz cut and a face full of stubble.