The System's Function

When Jing Yan arrived, the reporters had already entered the venue.

He Miao and He Wei sat side by side at the head of the table, looking very close.

He Wei coughed lightly and introduced He Miao. "This is my younger sister and the female lead of this popular short drama."

The reporters immediately exclaimed. In order to hype up the news, they had compared the photos of the two girls together a lot. They originally thought that the two people just happened to have the same surname. They did not expect that they were actually biological sisters!

What did the He family feed their daughters? They were all so beautiful.

The reporters immediately picked up their microphones and asked questions one after another. He Wei was experienced and answered smoothly. When it came to the question whether He Miao would enter the entertainment industry in the future, He Wei handed the microphone to He Miao to answer himself.