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"Don't misinterpret my words. Forget it," He Miao said helplessly. "I'll sleep for a while. Don't forget to go to the police station today to record your statement."

Jing Yan gave a soft "mm" and lowered his eyes to look at the dog in his arms. When He Miao fell asleep, he carried the dog to the bed and sat down.

The sleeping girl seemed to be dreaming of something very bad. Her brows were tightly furrowed, and she clenched her small hands uneasily.

Jing Yan had spent many nights with her, so he was very familiar with her appearance. However, at that time, he was still a stupid dog in his arms, who could coax her without restraint and stay by her side to accompany her.

Now, he was back to his normal self. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down. Jing Yan tried to reach out his hand. As his heart beat violently, he held her hand and transferred his heat to her.