A Forced Kiss

He Miao pursed her lips guiltily. Seeing Jing Yan's head lower and lower until it almost touched hers, she hurriedly pushed his head away and relented. "Alright, I know she likes you."

Jing Yan stepped back expressionlessly. "Continue."

He Miao pressed herself against the door nervously. "She must really like you. Our engagement has been called off, and you're my brother. I'm happy to see you two together."

Jing Yan could not take it anymore. He grabbed her wrist that was pushing him away, his eyes red like a rabbit that had been wronged. "He Miao, do you have a heart?"

He had given her time to slowly treat her well because he wanted her to see his true feelings. He did not want her to really treat him as a brother and push him to someone else!

He Miao's heart sank. She raised her eyes and looked at Jing Yan seriously. "I only see you as my older brother. From now on, we'll be sworn siblings. Isn't that good?"