Birthday Party

After restoring her reputation, He Miao first sent Xia Yan a message, which she quickly replied with a big smile and agreed to help her pick out a dress and do her makeup next Tuesday.

Xu Meng was so excited that she kept sending her screenshots of her fans. Other than those who apologized to her, there was also a group of people crying and begging to buy He Miao's handmade perfume.

He Miao carefully considered the time and replied indifferently, "Tell them that the perfume production is temporarily suspended. We'll hype it up before the next new model is announced, so please look forward to it."

"Okay!" After Xu Meng relayed her words to her fans, the group of people immediately expressed their anticipation for the goddess' new work and said that they would support her greatly to make up for their previous mistakes.

Xu Meng was so happy that she scrolled through He Wei's comments all night and only fell asleep the next morning.