Exchanging Thoughts

Jing Yan had been waiting at the entrance of the hotel where the party would be held, but he did not go in rashly.

The party was a gathering for women, and his presence would be the subject of gossip. However, when he saw He Miao coming in and out without noticing him, he could no longer sit still.

He walked closer to He Miao, the tight lines on his face making him look a little cold, but the words he said were unusually warm. "I'm here to take you home."

The surrounding ladies gasped in shock as they looked back and forth between He Miao and Jing Yan. "Didn't the two of you break off the engagement a long time ago?"

Jing Yan hated it the most when others mentioned this. He pursed his lips and said indifferently, "Yes, but I regret it now."

All of a sudden, envious gazes landed on He Miao. Xia Yan chuckled softly and nudged He Miao, who was still in a daze. "Do you want to go with him? Or do you want me to send you back later?"