Discharged From The Hospital

"Yes." He Miao responded shyly, then got up and tidied up the things on the table, asking, "Are you hungry? Should we go out and get something to eat?"

"Sure, what do you want to eat?" Jing Yan accompanied her to put away the photos and other miscellaneous things. He carried a garbage bag in his hand and filled the Onion's bowl with dog food. Then, he pushed the door open and stood at the door waiting for her.

"We'll just go for breakfast," He Miao had taken Li Feng out to eat just now, and she had only taken a few bites. Before she could eat her fill, Jing Yan had called her back, and she happened to be hungry.

"Alright," he said. Jing Yan took her hand and was about to go downstairs when they bumped into grandma, who lived opposite the house.

The hunched old woman looked back and forth between Jing Yan and He Miao in surprise, then suddenly asked, "Miaomiao, who is this?"

"Grandma, this is my boyfriend, Jing Yan." He Miao introduced him politely.