
Time flew by and it was Christmas.

The school had given the students a holiday today and allowed them to organize their own activities.

The students of the Fragrance and Perfumes Department were preparing to hold a masquerade party. During the day, they could stay behind to decorate the Christmas tree.

Xu Meng took He Miao's arm and dragged her to the front of the podium. In front of the class rep of the next class, she took out a pile of paper notes and placed them in front of her. "Let's draw lots, goddess. Let's see what you're going to dress up as tonight!"

It was said that a classmate from the class next door had a costume store and had all kinds of strange clothes, which could be used to sponsor the costumes.

He Miao was also quite interested, so she randomly picked a piece of paper and opened it to read.

Xu Meng curiously leaned her head over, and when she saw the words, she cried out in surprise, "Princess! It's the princess!"