Moving House

After Christmas, the school began the final exams. Before the results were out, the students had already begun their holidays.

He Miao packed up her things and sent the perfumes out in batches. Then, she packed the remaining ingredients and brought them home.

The income from the perfume sales could be freely used after the buyer confirmed that there was no mistake. Next year, she could start her own company.

Xu Meng helped her pack up her things and asked worriedly, "Are you going back to the He family's house on New Year's Eve this year?"

After going through so much, Xu Meng already knew what kind of person He Miao's nominal sister, He Wei, was. When she thought about how the current matriarch of the He family was He Wei's biological mother, Xu Meng felt worried.

If her goddess had nowhere to go, she would bring her home to spend the new year with her.