Happy New Year

"I haven't checked the results yet, but they probably won't give it to me. After all, I've taken such a long leave and only went back to take one exam." Jing Yan laughed as he put another dumpling into He Miao's bowl.

"I don't care if Yan gets the scholarship or not. I just want Miaomiao to be happy," said Grandpa Jing with a smile.

He Miao chuckled in embarrassment. She took another plate of dumplings from the servant and placed it in front of Old Master Jing. "Grandpa, have a taste. I made the dumplings!"

"Oh? Then Grandpa must try Miaomiao's cooking!" He Miao coaxed Old Master Jing, and his appetite was great that night. He ate a lot of dumplings before the servants helped him back to his room to sleep.

The servants also left one after another, leaving only Jing Yan and He Miao alone.

He Miao patted her round belly and took out her mobile phone to send Xu Meng and Xia Yan a "Happy New Year" text message.