Drawing Blood

"Miaomiao, don't sleep." Jing Yan hugged He Miao in a panic and urged the driver to speed up to the hospital.

His clothes and hands were stained red with He Miao's blood. Jing Yan's eyes were red as he leaned his nose close to her neck, breathing in the sweet milky scent on her body.

When they arrived at the hospital, the driver immediately got out of the car and opened the back door. Jing Yan carried He Miao and jogged into the hospital. When the nurses saw the scissors on her shoulder, they hurriedly found a bed for Jing Yan to put her on, then pushed her into the emergency room.

After an hour, the doctor came out, took off his mask, and looked at Jing Yan anxiously. "Are you the patient's family? The patient has lost a lot of blood and needs an emergency blood transfusion. The hospital's blood bank doesn't have any stock right now, so we must find someone to donate blood immediately, otherwise the patient's life will be in danger."