Love Is Not A Necessity

After Jing Yan left, Xu Meng finally dared to turn to look at He Miao. She reproached her with a red face, "Do you two have to show off your love in front of me? I'm so jealous!"

Amused, He Miao stuffed the grapes she had washed into her hands. "We'll talk while we eat. What happened between you and Li Ming just now?"

Xu Meng's bright eyes dimmed, and she looked so aggrieved that she could cry at any time.

He Xiao panicked. She did not expect that there would be such serious consequences when she just sent Li Ming away. She could not help but ask, "What's going on? Please don't cry."

Xu Meng held back her tears and said slowly, "I chased after Li Ming just now, trying to calm him down. I kept persuading him to come back. I was anxious and couldn't help but ask him if he liked you."

"Ah? What?" He Miao looked at her in shock. "And then?"