Shopping At The Supermarket

He Miao's face turned cold instantly. She stared at the man in front of her expressionlessly. "If you have something to say, just say it."

He Feng saw her indifference and alienation and felt a burst of irritation in his heart. He simply waved his hand and did not beat around the bush with her. He said directly and shamelessly, "Jing Yan is definitely on the He family's invitation list. Ask him to bring me to the party."

"That's impossible." He Miao rejected him mercilessly and did not care about He Feng's ugly expression. She said coldly, "The He family must have their own reasons for not inviting you. I can't let Jing Yan take you in at the risk of offending the head of the He family."

"Then aren't you afraid of offending me?" He Feng glared at He Miao with wide eyes.

Once again, he clearly realized that this daughter really did not take him seriously. She did not even treat him as her father!