Self-Recommended Boyfriend

At the same time, rumors began to spread in the school. Many students tried to pursue Ye Ning but were rejected by her. Everyone began to speculate in private about who Ye Ning would end up with.

He Chen took the opportunity to participate in the bet. He used the excuse that he wanted to get close to her to win her favor. He bet with someone that the top student would be better than the God of studies. Only he could trick someone like Ye Ning into falling in love with him.

This bet was completely opened with He Chen's big talk. Other than Ye Ning, almost all the students knew about the existence of the bet and began to place their bets in anticipation.

Only Ye Ning, who was indifferent to everything in the outside world, would be completely unaware of what was about to happen to her.

As usual, she went to the laboratory to make fragrances, but she did not expect someone to be waiting in the laboratory before her.