Never Loved Before

Tao Xin had nothing to hide now. She glared at Chen Zhao, her eyes full of disgust. "Since you heard it, I won't lie to you. I never liked you. I only got close to you for President Jing."

"Tao Xin!" Chen Zhao could not take it anymore and roared in a low voice, as if he wanted to use this to make her shut up. However, only he knew that he could not listen to such words anymore.

Every word she said was like a knife that pierced deeply into his heart, making him feel so much pain that he wished he was dead.

However, Tao Xin found pleasure in his pained expression. She sneered evilly and said, "Chen Zhao, do you really think I'll like you? Are you worthy? Other than being with President Jing earlier than me and knowing him earlier than I did, what else can you do better than me? I should be the one standing beside President Jing. I want him to only have me in his heart forever!"