Returning To The Entertainment Circle

In the blink of an eye, it was the weekend. Today was the day that He Miao had promised to invite Xu Meng and Xia Yan to a banquet. However, Old Master Jing called early in the morning and said that he wanted to see her. He Miao had no choice but to go back with Jing Yan first and set the banquet for the evening.

Old Master Jing had just heard from Jing Yan a few days ago that she had found her biological father, and he was anxious to see her so that he could see how she was doing.

He Chen had left a good impression on him back then, but he had not seen him for so many years, and Old Master Jing was still a little worried.

When He Miao came, she also brought the fragrances she made herself. This fragrance was made according to Ye Ning's personally developed formula.