A Writing Dog

Xu Ling was stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted and forcefully pulled her arm out of her hand. She deliberately put on a stern face and said coldly, "Miss He, I'm the hospital nurse who's here to do your physical examination as usual."

"I don't need it." He Wei sized her up suspiciously and finally fixed her eyes on the tag on her chest. "Who asked you to come?"

"Miss He, isn't it obvious who asked me to come? It doesn't matter if you drive me away now, but if the outside world suspects me, I'm afraid that neither you nor our hospital will have a good time." Xu Ling started to talk nonsense.

Although He Wei did not believe her one-sided explanation, she did not chase her away. She leaned against the bed and said arrogantly, "Pour me a glass of water."

Xu Ling nodded slightly and did not deliberately contradict her. She poured her a glass of hot water and only left with her cart when it was almost time.