The Situation Erupts

Chen Zhao first placed their lunch on the table and said thoughtfully, "President Jing, are you saying that Ren Zhong deliberately planned this to make Ren Wei lose the opportunity to inherit the company for good? He used Miss He as a bait to lure Ren Wei to do his dirty work himself. After the truth is out, he will abandon Ren Wei and let him take the blame so that he can reap the benefits?"

He Miao had thought of this as well. She could not help but look at Jing Yan worriedly. "If that's the case, we can't just disclose what we know. Xu Ling and that reporter might be in danger."

"Yes," Jing Yan shook his head gently and subconsciously rubbed the ring on his other hand. "Xu Ling won't be in danger for the time being because the person who took her away was also Ren Wei. As long as he doesn't know that Xu Ling has already sent us the news, he shouldn't hurt Xu Ling for the time being."