Loyal Fan

After an afternoon of crazy growth, He Wei's growing number of fans finally began to slow down. However, her comment section was still as lively as ever.

In order to win over new fans, He Wei deliberately started another live stream at the hospital. On the screen, she was wearing a white patient's gown and had an IV drip in her arm. Just the simple action of getting up and leaning against the bed required the help of a nurse.

When the fans saw that she was so badly injured, they immediately cursed He Miao in the live broadcast room. Many of them even said that they were once confused by He Miao's pure and cute appearance and despised He Miao for hurting her own sister.

He Wei looked at the effect of the live stream with satisfaction. She was about to give her fans a wave of red packets to make the new fans more biased towards her when suddenly, an account with an officially certified police logo came in to watch her live stream.