Coaxing Father-In-Law

He Chen stood quietly at the side and watched the two of them being sweet. His expression became more and more unfriendly.

Jing Yan could not bear to anger him anymore. He walked to his side and offered him a cup of tea. "Uncle He, you have to believe that although Miaomiao is engaged to me, she is still your daughter no matter what. You are her closest relative."

He Chen looked up at him in surprise. He reached out to take the teacup but did not drink it. He placed it on the table and smiled. "Of course I know that you're a good child who's worthy of my trust. After this incident, I've also seen your ability. You can take good care of Miaomiao."

Jing Yan smiled knowingly and continued, "Uncle He, don't worry. Even if Miaomiao marries me, I won't stop her if she wants to come back and live with you in the future. Just treat it as having a filial son by your side and someone who will help you dote on your daughter."