Never Coming Back

He Miao accompanied He Chen to wait anxiously at home. Even when it was dark, Jing Yan did not return.

She suddenly had a bad feeling. Seeing that it was already eight o'clock in the evening, she could no longer sit still. She ran back to her room in a panic and blurted out, "Jing Yan! Has Jing Yan changed?"

In the room, Onion crawled over with a tired expression. He struggled to stand on his hind legs, and his two front paws pathetically reached for her thighs.

He Miao heaved a sigh of relief. She picked up Onion and patted his head with a smile. "Why aren't you back yet? Dad and I were waiting for you in the study just now. We were waiting for you to come back and have dinner together."

Onion in her arms rubbed against her palm listlessly, licking her fingers with his soft tongue.