Chapter 7 true feeling and Prank?

1 days later in the Jedi temple on coruscant. In the medical bay...

3rd POV

Ashborn's eyes slowly open to seeing a beautiful tongruta girl sleeping by his bedside.

"Your so cute when you sleep you know that" ashborn whispered looking at the girl by his side

"Did you just call me cute?" Asked ahsoka immediately sitting up as she was trying to go to sleep but suddenly ashborn woke up so she wanted to see what he would do but didn't expect him to say that she was cute.

She thought he would make a move on her or something, which she was kinda looking forward too. As she can feel her own and his deep attachment for each other. But neither of them acted on it due to the Jedi code, but she's starting to think screw it and do what she wants.

"Ah no I didn't" ashborn said getting nervous as he thought she was asleep

"Ashborn Godfrey repeat what you just said" ahsoka said in a deep voice scaring ashborn as he knew that when she said his full name he was in deep.

"Fine I said you were cute when you sleep can you blame me? we obviously have feelings and attachment for each other but we both haven't acted on it because of the code" he said admitting what they both felt for each other

"Then maybe we should change that huh" ahsoka suddenly said grabbing his shirt and closing her eyes as he did the same pulling him closer to her.

Just as they were mere millimeters apart about to do the unthinkable and break the Jedi code the door slid open.

And they immediately went away for each other as fast as possible to make it look like nothing happened.

But it worked. Obi wan and anakin came walking in talking not looking in there direction so they were saved.

"Ah my Padawan how are you feeling? that was really reckless do not do that again" Obi Wan scolded

"I'm sure he's fine right kid" anakin said getting a nod from ashborn

"See he's way more like me than you" anakin said confidently

"Yea reckless and impulsive" Obi wan said getting a glare from anakin as they started arguing with each other about how he is so impulsive and anakin defending himself saying he's not.

Ashborn and ahsoka both shot each other a glance saying with there eyes 'if only that were true'.

"Ok can you guys stop arguing. I will be the first to say that I am impulsive when I see something that angers me or goes against my moral code, so can you just admit your shortcomings and get over it there's nothing bad about admitting your shortcomings" ashborn said to try and get them to stop

"What you think I'm reckless and impulsive too?" He asked earnings a nod from ahsoka, ashborn and Obi wan

"Ok this is not important right now, How are you feeling? And how did you do that with your lightsabers." Obi wan said concerned and interested

"I'm feeling great, and about the lightsabers I've spent a lot of time meditating and trying to communicating with the Krystal's since I got the Krystal's to create a strong bond with them so it would probably take several years to do the technique I did as you need a strong bond. I can also feel there emotions when there feeling happy or sad and they will even inform me of danger at times that they can feel it before me. Saving me some trouble at some points. It even get to the point where It can feel it's sense's and that's how I did that move.

It can share its senses within ten meters off me without having to meditate or concentrate really hard and allows me to easily control it with the force as with others without a strong bond with the saber would take a lot more concentration and energy as the crystal might not be totally 100% willing even if it chose you to be its wielder, and buy senses I'm mean like blurs so I know where I'm tossing my lightsabers. so it can be dangerous because I can't make out who is friend of foe with the Crystals sense's as they aren't that clear just blur's. And it's super hard to control out of ten meters and takes up way more energy that's why I had to meditate to keep up my concentration. And even if someone has a good bond you would need insane control over the force like I do to make it past 5 meters as 10 meters is my limit without really concentrating " ashborn explained

"Ok so I get that you have to have a really strong bond with your crystal and have to have insane control over the force but how did you not slice us up when we were trying to escape on the ship if you can't tell friend from foe when your in the meditative state?" Obi wan asked confused as Anakin and ahsoka where too

Feeling the confused gazes ashborn continued "oh that's because I can tell organic and non organic life forms apart from each other so I can easily figure out what a enemy and not enemy when fighting separatist because there all non organic life forms or droids per say"

Earnings nods from all of them as anakin says "you know your really smart when it comes to anything but plans. It's like your brain turns off"

"Hey that's mean but I can't really disagree" ashborn said shrugging getting a laugh out of the rest of them. Totally nodding in agreement that it was true he had no brains when it came to plans.

"Alright snips meet me at the hangar in 20 where going on a mission again" anakin said as ahsoka just nodded as both the masters leave the medbay

"Cough" So about before what we were going to do….." ashborn said as his face was getting a little pink from embarrassment

"Ahh you that…" they both looked away from each other remembering that they were going to kiss

Ahsoka then suddenly got bold idea. She jumped onto the bed then latched herself onto ashborn and started to immerse him in a deep passionate kiss. That made them both giggle in delight and joy. While still in the deep kiss.

After finally separating do to not having enough air. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" ahsoka said with her head on his chest smiling feeling all of his emotions from shock to lust to utter happiness to love.

"Me to I probably would have made a move on you right after I got my kyber crystals if it wasn't for the order that banded attachments" ashborn said feeling now all of ahsoka's emotions from pure lust during the kiss to happiness and love afterwards

"So what are we going to do about the order? Are we going to leave?" Ashborn asked

"Or we could just keep us a secret and keep this going" ahsoka suggested

"I like the sound of that" ashborn said grabbing her waist and pulling her into another make out session on the bed after both of them calming down there lust.

"So your my girlfriend now right" ashborn asked

"Of course and your my boyfriend, and that means you can go searching for other girls alright!" She said sternly

"Ahsoka I would never look for another girl when I already have the most beautiful and kind person in the universe. And your the one I want to Marry and have kids one day with so why should I go looking for another girl when I already have it all" ashborn said making ahsoka supper red than her already orange skin tone

"What do you mean marry we just started dating" ahsoka said blushing her head off.

"Ahsoka I meant in the future not now but in the future. And what do you not want to marry me?" Ashborn asked looking down a little

"No if it wasn't for the code then we probably would already been married by now" ahsoka said agreeing that she would want to marry ashborn by now if there was no code. they've known each other there hole entire lives sense they were 3 years old. Having happy times and rough times all the same always pushing through together. And while pranking each other as well. they did everything with each other you would never catch one without the other only if they were separated do to tasks which was rarely as the council new how good they were at working together. They are the ultimate power duo in the temple.

"Oh so does that make us engaged" ashborn asked with a small smirk

"What! No! You have to get down on one knee and declare your love for me." Ahsoka said stubbornly

"Ok I'll do that right now" ashborn said getting her off him and then got on one knee

"No way you can't propose to me in the medbay" ahsoka said shocked by his movements getting on one knee

"Ahsoka will you make me the happiest man in the universe by…" ashborn started

'Omg is he really going to propose to me in the medbay the first day we started dating? This is totally something ash would do though' ahsoka thought

"By Helping me tie my shoes" ashborn said struggling not to start laughing his ass off.

Ahsoka just stared down at his face blankly seeing him trying not to laugh

'Did he seriously just say BY HELPING ME TIE MY SHOES???' Ahsoka thought, then she looked down at ashborn who was trying his best not to laugh and just couldn't stay mad at him knowing that this was something that ashborn would definitely do and something she would also do to him. as they both constantly pranked each other over the years getting back at each other constantly.

"I got you good there didn't I" ashborn said getting off the ground from laughing to much

"Yea you did, but seriously if you do want propose to me it really doesn't matter where or when as long as I am with you" she said smiling as they hugged each other

"Haha don't worry I'll get you a nice ring as soon as possible and take you to the nicest spot to propose, it has to be memorable" he said deepening the hug

"Oh yea then you better propose to me when I get back from this mission" she said about to leave "Don't worry I will" ashborn said.

as she was just about to leave the room he pulled her towards him and gave her one last deep kiss

They just both stared at each other getting lost in each other's eyes before she left the room to go on her mission with the biggest smile she's ever had


(This will not be a harem!!!!!!! Ahsoka best Star Wars girl everrrrrrrr!!!!!! Ashborn a loyal MANNN)