18. Challenges

Days and months have passed. Adelia is getting used to life in the Wibisana family. Her daily activities were going to college, doing homework, and serving her husband. He has skillfully performed his duties as a son-in-law in the House of Wibisana.

"Mom, eat first. Adelia will prepare mama's medicine."

"Thank You, Adel. "

Adelia reached for the medicine in her in-laws ' desk drawer, took some medicine, and gave it to Mrs. Wibisana.

"More food, mom."

"No, that's enough."

"Well, this is mama's medicine, take it right away, I will help."

After swallowing several drugs, Mrs. Wibisana looked at her daughter-in-law proudly, "Adelia, you are a good woman. Hendra was wrong to choose you as his wife. Thank you, Mom. I love you so much."

"It's not Hendra who's lucky ma, I'm lucky to have mama. I haven't felt a mother's love in a long time, and now I can feel it again because of my mother." Adelia hugged her mother-in-law. A happy smile appeared on both faces.


"There's a guest, I'll open the door for a moment." Adelia hurried to open the door of the House.

"Oh my God, Papa." Adelia was surprised to see the figure of papa-in-law in front of her.

"Hi Adel, how are you?"

"I'm fine pa. Please come in."

Adelia and Mr. Wibisana entered the living room.

"It's so quiet, Mama and Hendra are going to the office, son?"

"Hendra went to pa's office, and mama was sick. He just took his medicine and rested in his room."

"What? Mama sick?"

"Dad, I haven't been out of my room in a few days. But don't worry, a doctor has treated mom.

"Dad, go to your room, okay?"Mr. Wibisana patted Adelia's shoulder, then rushed to meet his wife.

"Hello dear"

"Papa? Is that really you?"

"Hahaha Yes ma, it's papa"

"Oh my god, how did you get to Yogyakarta? Why not tell us at home?"

"I want to surprise you, mom. Did Adelia say she was sick? How are you feeling now?"

"Since you're here, I'm better now."

"Hahaha, still like a teenager this mama," Adiwangsa walked towards the closet. He took complete work pants with a black suit.

"Where is Papa going?"

"I'm going to the office first ma, I haven't taken care of my work here for a long time."

"But Hendra took good care of it pa. You just arrived, take a break."

"Just a moment, ma. Dad will come home soon."

"Well, that's up to papa."


Hendra is coordinating further with the IT team in the office to discuss customer complaints. Several investigation team members had gathered in the CEO's room.

"Mr. Hendra, we have had some bright spots on this issue."

"Really? Please explain what you mean."

"Someone has exchanged some of the goods produced by our company for other goods, Sir. It looks exactly the same as ours."

"How do you know this?"

"We have conducted an investigation into the buyer's warehouse. They allow us to inspect items that do not fit that order. We checked the production serial number and it turned out that there is no corresponding number on the list of goods produced by this company."

"Yes, sir, it can be ascertained that there are individuals in the company who exchange the goods." added another team member.

"Yes, you are right. This case involves insiders, I don't know how many people are involved in it, which obviously we have to keep investigating them."

"Good sir, we will always try."

"Effort for what?" A middle-aged male voice sounded from behind the door all of a sudden.

"Huh, papa?"

"Mr Wibisana"

"Yes, it's me."

"How did Dad get to this place?"

"Papa deliberately gave you a surprise. Papa just arrived this morning, after from the airport, papa immediately stopped by the house to meet with mama, your wife and my future grandson. Then come to this place."

"Grandson? Congratulations Mr. Hendra, it won't be long before you become a father." All employees in the room shook hands with Hendra while congratulating them in turn.

My god, your lips are so slippery. Surely everyone here thinks I'm full of passion every night so my wife can get pregnant quickly. What a shame!

"Oh yes, what is this? Why are you all gathered in the CEO room?"

"We're just doing a little coordination."

"If it's like that, why not just use the meeting room?"

"No need pa, this team consists of only a few people. Enough in this room, we coordinate."

"Is that really the only reason?"

"Right sir"

Adiwangsa felt suspicious, and he understood very well how his son if was facing problems.

"Um ... well, Mr. Bayu and the team, we end the coordination today. We'll get back to you as soon as we have your information.

"Yes sir, then excuse me."

Everyone had left the CEO's room, leaving Hendra and his father in the room. Cold sweat began to wet Hendra's body. This time the bad feeling will not be wrong.

"Hendra, according to papa, have you been very busy lately? Adelia has told papa that you come home late every day. Is that right, son?"

"Dad, I'm late because I have to get some work done."

"A leader must be loyal to his job. But a leader must also be loyal to his colleagues. I've explained it to you many times, haven't I? If at home, papa is your parents, but if at work, papa is your co-workers son. Now that we're in the office, can you tell us what's going on with your co-workers?"

"Oh...um ... well Dad, I'll tell papa. So last month a customer has made a complaint to our company pa. According to him, the goods we send are not in accordance with the standards".

"Oh yeah? And then?"

"Then I set up a special investigation team to investigate this case, which is the team you just met in this place. They reported that there was a person who exchanged goods when it would be sent to the buyer's warehouse."

"Well then what is the root of the problem now?"

"Until now, we are still tracing the related parts of the pa, such as the sales section and the delivery section.

"Yes, so far your step has been right Hendra. In a condition, as leaders we must have alternative steps to deal with it. A special team must indeed be formed to carry out this task in a focused manner."

"Thank you pa."

"But you need to remember, Hendra, in solving a problem, tries as quickly as possible to find a solution. If it takes too long, the problem will not be solved quickly but will only increase. How long has this problem appeared?

"It's been about a month pa."

"God, it's been a long time, Hendra. Well papa give you some more time to solve this problem, if it doesn't work, never ask about inheritance rights."

Hendra's eyes widened. He did not accept the last sentence said by his father.