Chapter 4

Emily didn't care much for the bubble baths her mother always insisted that she took. She believed that it would help calm her nerves but Emily wasn't ten anymore. Surprisingly, she did find comfort in using a bathtub whenever she wanted to make a tough decision. Like if she should allow the cute guy to kiss her after the prom dance, or if she should have a stake for dinner. And tomorrow she was going to make a decision that was more important than any she had ever had to do, she desperately needed her bathtub.

Preparing herself a warm bath, she lighted some candles, got a good bottle of wine from the mini fridge in her room, and played Enya to help soothe her nerves. The water was exactly what she needed. She relaxed more into the water as it soothed her bones and calmed her nerves.

The rosy smell from the bath salts her mom had given her was magnificent. It reminded her of Sandra. The young woman's hair smelled like rose petals. Emily was sure that she wouldn't let her go.

Maybe it was the bath or the smell of rose petals but Emily suddenly got an idea. She took a sip of her wine, smiling at the revelation that had come upon her. Saying a little prayer of gratitude to God, she immersed herself completely into the water. She wasn't the God-fearing type but she believed that He existed.

Her bath was quicker than she had expected. She had to get out early because her stomach had started to growl and Emily needed to get some food into her system.

Growing up, she had worked so hard to the point that sometimes she had forgotten to eat. It got worse and soon, she started experiencing sharp pain in her lower abdomen. Her doctor told her that she had an abdominal ulcer but she refused to believe it. But when her favorite stake dinner became difficult to eat and digest, she knew that she had a problem. Running back to the doctor, she got a whole list of food recommendations and had stuck to them since.

She threw on a simple summer dress, tied her hair into a dirty bun, and placed a towel over it. She did not have the patience to dry it with a hand dryer. Singing as she headed downstairs, she was surprised to see her father sitting at the head table. It was very rare before her father would decide to have dinner with them but anytime he would come down, she was grateful for it.

"Come on! Your food will soon get cold," her mother said while smiling. Emily was happy to see her happy. Her father was a very busy man and whenever he made out time for his family, his wife would always be the happiest.

"Okay, I'm coming. You don't need to yell," Emily said as she proceeded faster to the dining table, drew out her sit, and sat on it.

Either her father was not happy to see her or he just wanted to get dinner over with so that he could have the important discussion with his daughter. Emily wasn't going to let him ruin dinner for her mother. She had watched that woman pick her food in silence almost every night because he wasn't around to eat her meal and tell her how delicious it was.

"So dad, how are your friends over at the golfing unit?" To get Mr. Keller's attention, it's either you talk about business or you talk about golf.

"Oh, just great. Steve almost made a discovery today. He didn't know that you could score from a 10-inch distance. I tell you, the friends that I roll with. Did you watch the news today? They were talking about it raining in California. When was the last time we saw that? Anyway, some guy brought it up if we would play golf even when it's still raining and you would never believe it but Steve said yes. It's so unlikely how he doesn't know shit about golfing but he is so desperately trying to win at all cost. It's funny as well."

"But why are you fussing dad, don't you like a person that is determined and focused?" Emily tried to keep the conversation going.

"Of course! But when it comes at the price of your health, it's just nonsense. Do you know the implications of playing golf in the rain, huh? It could..."

Emily zoned out from her father's tales about golf and found pleasure in the eyes of her mother who was clearly enjoying every word that came out of his mouth.

Dinner went by smoothly with Mr. Keller talking till Emily thought her ears would bleed. She left them early, partly because she was running from her father but mostly because she was exhausted. She fell asleep immediately after her head touched the pillow.

The ray of sunlight from her window made contact with her eyes, blinding her and making her wish that she could close the curtains without having to get up. She was already exhausted from having to go to work. Not because she didn't like her job but because she was tired of driving herself around. She finally stood up from her bed and soon, she was ready to go to work.


Sebastian walked slowly around the estate, admiring the tall buildings as he walked, promising himself that he would own and live in a house like one of the ones his eyes were feasting on. He was too busy soaking in the morning sun, enjoying the sounds produced by the birds, and feeling the wind grace his skin like a lover's touch that he almost did not notice the flyer that was glued to the brick wall.

'Driver needed. Apply within.'

Sebastian's heart leaped for joy as he looked twice at the flyer. He did not believe that he would find a job so fast, even though it wasn't the type of job he wanted, he was still excited that at least he would be getting paid. That is if he could get the job.

He knocked on the gate, trying to ignore the pain that came with hitting the hard metal. He saw a young man who he guessed was Italian walking up to the gate. He opened the passenger door and waited for Sebastian to state his reason for knocking so relentlessly at the gate. When the silence seemed to have lasted for long enough, he finally spoke.

"How may I help you, young man?"

"My name is Sebastian and I saw the flyer outside. I would like to apply for the job of a driver if it is still available." The man looked at him, scanning his outward appearance and trying to see if it'll fit with what his boss wanted. When he was satisfied with what he saw, he ushered him inside.

"Come on in." They both walked into the building and Sebastian was in awe at what he saw. Flowers lined the road leading to the entrance of the building, he could see a greenhouse by the side of the house. He also saw a shade made from bamboo opposite the mini garage that had more than three cars parked in it. Each of them is more expensive than Sebastian's entire wealth in the world. He was much more fascinated by the dogs that they had locked up in a cage. He couldn't see from afar but he was sure that one of them was a German Shepherd.

Sebastian concluded to himself that he had stepped into a classy residence and who so ever owned the building must be someone of high class. He was more than happy to be working for the elites in the society. Maybe they would see his smartness and hire him as a permanent staff in their office.

"Wait right here," the security man gave the order when they were halfway to entering the house, Sebastian couldn't hide the disappointment on his face but he still waited, knowing that the man would be back soon.

Emily looked at her mother as she took a sip of her coffee. Her eyes were still gleaming, she hoped that her mother had gotten to spend more time with her father last night but she didn't want to ask and risk her going into details. She was already feeling sick as it was, she did not need any more information that may worsen her situation.

"Mom, I figured out what to do about Sandra," Emily said while smiling. She was very happy she couldn't even hide it.

"Well, tell me about it," her mom dropped her coffee cup, focusing her attention on her daughter. Emily sighted her father coming down the stairs.

"I'll tell you about it when I get back home mom. Gotta run." She placed a kiss on her mother's cheeks, hastily greeted her father, and was out of the door before her father could stop her. She ran into Derek at the anteroom and he was looking very pleased.

"What's got you all happy?" She inquired.

"There is someone outside who has come to apply for the position of your driver ma'am," Derek said while smiling. Emily couldn't believe the good news. She had almost given up on ever finding a driver and now she had one. She rushed out of the door to see the guy who had come to save her and her heart gladden the more when she set her eyes on Sebastian.

Sebastian couldn't help but smile at the sight before him. He never thought he would see the kind woman who had helped him before. He quickly remembered why he was here and his heart sank a little. But looking at Emily's smiling face, his smile came back.