A week later

The sun was shining so bright, as people could be seen with black clothes, umbrellas and roses in hands as they pay their respect to the dead. Jenny, Hendrick, Layla and Karin were all present as they pay their farewell to Clara who has departed from them.

With tears in her eyes, she pays her final respect to Clara as she was being buried in the cemetery. She was crying bitterly even though she didn't really know anything about Clara, but the fact that her child was currently with her was enough to make her feel emotional. She couldn't stop herself from pouring out tears as she looked at Karin who was currently carried by Hendrick.

'I promise to raise Karin as my child, he won't be denied motherly love or family love from this family, I will make sure to raise him into a strong man, so he can protect himself from harm' said Jenny as she said her promise to Clara before departing from there.

Hendrick couldn't help but console his wife who was crying bitterly. The fact that Clara won't be able to see her son again was making her cry non stop. She couldn't imagine leaving her daughter at her young age, she knows the pain Layla would go through if such a thing was to happened.

After the ceremony, everybody departed to their various places, Hendrick drove them home after everything has been settled.

At night, Clara couldn't stop herself from panicking as she carried baby Karin whose temperature was boiling like a hot lava at the moment, the loud cry from Karin was making her panicked the more.

"Hendrick, we have to take him to the hospital quickly, his temperature is burning up" said Jenny as she used a piece of clothes which was drenched in water to press Karin forehead gently.

"Mom, I can't sleep" said Layla as she walked downstairs to meet Jenny, the loud cry from Karin was making her unable to sleep.

"I know sweetie, we will be going somewhere so you can sleep there, okay?" said Jenny.

"Okay mom" replied Layla.

"Let me go get my keys so we can start going" said Hendrick as he sprint upstairs to get his keys.

Hendrick quickly walked back down the moment he took his keys. Jenny was already outside waiting for him with Karin on one hand and Layla on the other.

The full moon was shining brightly, lighting up he entire environment. Hendrick quickly opened the door of the car so they can get inside, he didn't waste time before stepping on the gear, so they can start moving.

The full moon was illuminating everywhere, making it easy for Hendrick to drive freely without straining his eyes. The fact that it was night, made it easy for them to reach the hospital in not less than fifteen minutes, there wasn't any traffic to delay their ride.

They quickly walked inside the hospital so as to admit Karin whose temperature was becoming worst at every minute.

On seeing the panicked faces of the people, the nurse in duty professionally attended to them before admitting Karin into the hospital. luckily for them, there wasn't many patients, so the doctor didn't waste time before attending to Karin.

Jenny, Hendrick and Layla were told to stay outside, so as to allow the doctor do his work without any disturbance. After about forty minutes, the red light on top of Karin ward which was signaling that operation was going on, finally turned off.

The moment the doctor came out from Karin ward, what greeted him was the panicked face of Jenny who was currently standing in front of him.

"Doctor, how is he?" asked Jenny.

"Are you the mother of the child?" asked the doctor.

"Yes I am" replied Jenny with a panicked face.

"I will be frank with you, I couldn't figure out what is wrong with the baby, but I gave him some sedative to subdue the pain, he is currently asleep and his temperature has lessen a bit. I do have some questions to ask you, hope you don't mind?" asked the doctor.

"I don't mind doc, please ask me right away" said Jenny.

"Since when has the child been in this condition?" asked the doctor.

"It just started this night, he was perfectly okay this evening, so I don't know what's happening" said Jenny.

"What did he take before going to bed?" asked the doctor.

"A bottle of infant formula which he usually takes" said Jenny.

"I will come back later to check on him, I have something to do right now" said doctor Philip as he walked out, so as to let them go in to see Karin.

With her eyes which was now red and swollen because of the tears she has been crying, she walked into the ward, she went to Karin who was currently sleeping and use the back of her hand to touch his forehead so as to check his temperature, and true to the doctor words, his temperature had gone down a little, not like when he was burning like a lava.

Jenny heart finally calm down a little when she felt that his temperature was down, the immense pain that was weighing her chest down has finally been lifted.

Hendrick took it upon himself to carry Layla to the other bed so she can get some sleep. After putting Layla to sleep, he walked to his wife who was currently sitting beside Karin.

"Don't worry yourself unnecessarily, he is going to be fine, have faith in him" said Hendrick as he consoled his wife.

Jenny couldn't get any sleep as she sat beside Karin all through the night. She was disturbed from her thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Good morning doctor" said Jenny the moment she opened the door and saw who it was.

"Morning Mrs Hendrick, it looks like you weren't able to get any sleep last night, are you okay?" asked the doctor.

"I'm good doc, thanks for asking" replied Jenny.