A bet

The next day, Mikey and Caleb were the first to come to school before Kiran, so they were already catching up on some things before the arrival of Kiran.

"Good morning, how's is everything?" asked Kiran as he shook hands with them before sitting down on his seat.

"We doing good bro" said both of them.

"Mikey, just to remind you, don't involve me in those your games" said Kiran.

"Chill bro, you won't be involved" responded Mikey.

"Mikey to make this bet more serious, you have just two days to get to know about her" said Caleb.

"I don't need two days, I can do this in less than a day" replied Mikey.

After their morning classes, the bell was rang, signaling it was time for lunch, everybody walked out of their classes and walked over to the cafeteria to eat their lunch.

Mikey using this as his opportunity, walked over to meet Lydia who was sitting on her own.

Lydia was well know over the school as the only person who doesn't have friends, it's not that people doesn't want to be friends with her, but rather, it's she that doesn't want to be friends with anyone nor even associate with them.

Anyone who has approached her for the sole purpose of being her friend, was clearly rejected.

Her beauty alone could be compare to some of the most beautiful model in the world and would make any boy fall head over heels and go completely crazy just to be with her, but the fact that she doesn't even give any one of them chance to talk before rejecting them was enough to make them stay away from her.

So the fact that Mikey was now walking over to her, has caught the attention of many students in the cafeteria.

"Hope you don't mind me sitting here, please?" asked Mikey with his food in his hand.

For about fifteen seconds, Lydia was just looking at Mikey like if he was insane.

"Well you didn't reject, that means I an sit" said Mikey as he helped himself with a seat which was opposite to Lydia.

"I'm not interested in anything you have to say, either being your friend or girlfriend, I'm not interested" said Lydia coldly.

"Wow, isn't that kind of a bit rude and harsh, I didn't say anything apart from asking permission from you if I can sit down here" said Mikey.

"There are more than twenty empty seat for you to sit down on, yet you came here" said Lydia.

"There is no rule that said I can't sit down where ever I like" said Mikey.

"Well then enjoy your food" said Lydia as she stood up to leave.

The moment she was about to walked out of him, Mikey stood up and stretch out his hand to stop her from leaving, but what came next was a kick to his rib.

The kick was so quick that he didn't even have the time to block or dodge it, as it connected to his rib.

Everyone in the cafeteria couldn't help themselves as they shriek because of the kick Mikey just received. No one expected that Lydia would do such a thing, although she always reject those who wants to befriend her, but never once had she use brute force to chase them away.

Kiran and Caleb who were watching this Fri the other side of the cafeteria couldn't help themselves as they burst out in laughter.

After the kick, Lydia walked out of the cafeteria without looking back, everybody was expecting Mikey to follow her, but he just stood there speechless for some seconds, before walking back to meet his friends.

When he got there, what welcome him was the sight of Kiran and Caleb laughing to the extent that they couldn't even control it. After the continuous laughter, they finally managed to hold their laugh in as their stomach was now in pain because of the excessive laugh.

Throughout the time, Kiran and Caleb were laughing, Mikey just sat down on his seat and kept on looking at his two friends.

"Are you guys done, how did I even became friends with you guys, what kind of friends are you guys?" asked Mikey the moment they stopped laughing.

"We are the friends that doesn't do out looking for trouble" said Caleb.

"Mikey, how's your ribs?" asked Kiran while bursting out in laughter.

"If you dare ask me that question again, I'm going to shove this food up your ass" said Mikey.

"Get ready to pay me my five hundred thousand dollars" said Caleb.

"Keep dreaming, I haven't lost yet, I still have a day and some hours left to talk to her, that's base on the time you gave me" said Mikey.

"Even with what just happened, you still want to go for it?" asked Kiran in disbelief.

Caleb didn't say anything because he knows the type of person Mikey is, he isn't someone to back out so easily.

"She did that out of reflexes and nothing more, she was just startled that I hold her" said Mikey to Kiran.

"You don't know what's shame, do you, may God help you" said Kiran.

"What's there to be ashamed about, she just react the same way everyone would have" said Mikey.

'Shit, I can clearly feel my ribs shaking till now, what kind of person is she, how come she was that fast with her attack, I couldn't even react at all, she definitely isn't normal' said Mikey inwardly as he hold his ribs without anyone noticing, 'If I'm not lieing, that hit from her is clearly the most strongest thing I have ever received since I started fighting'.

After their lunch, everybody walked back to their respective classes to resume their lecture. On getting to the class, Mikey walked over to Lydia who was sitting on her seat.

Almost everyone in the class were sitting two to a seat, but Lydia was a different case, having a whole seat all to herself.