
Bringing out his phone, he scroll through his contacts before stoping on a particular name. Just when he was about to press on it, he changed his mind and put his phone back in his pocket.

"Let's see how she will respond to a surprise visit" said Kiran as he continue walking.

After about ten minutes of walking, he finally got to his destination as he stand in front of the mansion. The guards didn't stop him as they open the door for him to go through as they have already been inform of his arrival.

'This must definitely be grandma's doing, there's no way they will open the gate for me without a card, I probably should thank her later because I didn't even think of it, I just hope she haven't ruin my surprise' said Kiran to himself.

Getting pass the gate, he walked straight to the mansion and pass through the door that have been opened for him.

"Good afternoon Mrs Kerman, hope you are doing well?" asked Kiran the moment he saw Abigail's mom in the living room.

"Afternoon dear, I'm doing great, thanks for asking, how are you and how's school?" asked Mrs Kerman.

"I'm doing good and so is school, is Abigail at home?" asked Kiran.

"She's in her room upstairs" replied Mrs Kerman.

"Please do you mind telling someone to inform her about my arrival?" asked Kiran.

"Why don't you go meet her yourself, it's third room to the left" replied Mrs Kerman as she sip from the wine in her cup.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea, I will wait here so someone can go call her" said Kiran.

"What are you being so fearful for, am I not the one giving you the permission to go, it's okay" replied Mrs Kerman.

"Alright" said Kiran as he walk towards the stairs, following the description given to him.

On getting there, he knocked on the room door and waited for her to come out.

"Who's there?" asked Abigail from the other side of the room, but didn't get any reply.

Kiran didn't respond as he knock the door for the second time.

"Who's there?" asked Abigail for the second time but still didn't get an respond. "What's it" said Abigail as she got up from the bed to open the door as she wasn't getting any reply from the person.

"Surprise!!" said Kiran the moment she opened the door.

"Kiran!!, why didn't you tell me you are coming?" asked Abigail as she hug him.

"Just wanted to surprise you and it did work" replied Kiran as he hug her back.

"What about your mom and grandma, are they outside?" asked Abigail.

"No, I came alone" said Kiran.

"Okay then, come in" said Abigail as she walked inside her room with Kiran following behind her. On getting inside, Abigail handed a play station pad over to Kiran.

"Why didn't you call yesterday?" asked Abigail as she press on her pad so she could load the game for them to play.

"It's not that it slipped my mind, I wanted to call but I was so exhausted yesterday after our martial arts class, Caleb and Mikey slept over so I kind of got lost when studying" replied Kiran.

"How are those guys doing?" asked Abigail.

"They are good, they usually ask of you almost every time" said Kiran.

"Are you one of the representative for your school in this year maths competition?" asked Abigail.

"We haven't concluded that yet, but I might be" replied Kiran. "What about you?".

"Of course I am. How come you guys haven't concluded yours already, it's just six days left" replied Abigail.

"Then why are you currently playing game when you should be studying?" asked Kiran as they continue playing the game.

"That's what I have been doing for the past hours now, it's time for a break" replied Abigail.

"I know you are brilliant, but you should study more because I'm sure this year competition is going to be tough this time around" said Kiran.

"Surprising how you haven't been picked already, or have you been falling short on points?" asked Abigail.

"Don't worry about that, I will be present" replied Kiran.

"Who's worry, I'm praying you should not be picked so our school can win this year competition" said Abigail which cause both she and Kiran to laugh.

"If I'm not picked, then don't you think it would be more challenging for you guys to win, because the person who would replace me would be more intelligent than me, don't you think so" said Kiran.

"That's true, but I don't care because my school would be winning it this time around" replied Abigail.

"Don't be so confident about that, they are others competitor which are so smart. For you to win, you have to learn how to solve your question in a face pace, if not you will lose" said Kiran.

"I know, I have improved greatly unlike before, we took third last time, but this time around, we will be taking the trophy" replied Abigail.

"What do you say about going out just to escape from all the stress?" asked Kiran.

"That would be good, did you come with a driver?" asked Abigail.

"No, but I can call my grandma to send one to me right now" replied Kiran.

"There's no need for that, we would be using mine, I'm sure my mom will agree to it" said Abigail.

"Alright" was the short reply from Kiran.

"Just give me some minutes so I can change my clothes" said Abigail while gesturing Kiran to go out so she can change.

Kiran walked out of the room and went downstairs so as to keep Mrs Kerman company.

"Where's Abigail?" asked Mrs Kerman the moment she saw Kiran walking down alone.

"We are planning on taking a stroll, so she's having a change of clothes" replied Kiran.

"Okay, just talk to the driver and he will take you guys to anywhere you want" said Mrs Kerman.

"Thanks Mrs Kerman" said Kiran causing Mrs Kerman to nor in approval.