
This chapter is dedicated to preDaToR_6077. Thanks for the power stone you gave to my book. I appreciate ♥️


A loud gaps could be heard from Kiran the moment he woke up from his sleep, sweat could be seen running all over his face as he try to steady his rough breathing.

Looking at the time, he could see it was 4:13 in the evening, meaning he has slept for close to five hours now, and he would have still been sleeping if only he didn't have this dreadful dream.

Seeing himself in the woods and being chase by a massive beast with red eyes, made him to force himself to wake up from his sleep.

Those dreadful red eyes seems to be implanted in his brain as he couldn't shake off the fear he felt when he was being chase.

Trying to run with all his might so as to escape from the beast that was chasing him, his leg betrayed him as they seem to be implanted on one spot and won't listen to him.

Just when the beast was about pouncing on him, that's when his consciousness quickly returned back to his body causing him to wake up with a loud gaps.

Staying on his bed for some minutes, he manage to control his breathing a little as he kept on telling himself it was just a dream, but thinking about those red eyes was making his breathing worst.

Getting up from his bed and walking to his bathroom, he turn on the shower to cool down his panic heart.

Using cold water to bath has been one of the things he has come to like as he doesn't have a choice but to bath it, because warm water won't be able to do the work.

Walking out of the shower and putting on his clothes, he went downstairs as he couldn't sleep anymore in fear of seeing that same thing.

"Mom, I'll be back soon, going to meet Caleb and Mikey" said Kiran as he hug her before walking to go out.

"Why don't you eat first before leaving?" Asked Jenny.

"I will eat when I get back" replied Kiran.

"Make sure to come back early okay?, your dad would be angry if you don't, don't make him ground you" said Jenny.

"I understand, I will come early" said Kiran as he walked out of the door.

Bringing his phone out, he called both Mikey and Caleb so they could all hang out.

"Didn't you say you were tired and don't want to hang out?" Asked Mikey with sarcasm in his voice.

"Well I have a change of heart, I'm sorry about that, I have something to talk to you two, so please come" said Kiran.

"Don't worry about that guy, he will come or even if he doesn't, you can tell me what you want to talk about" said Caleb through the video call.

"I will be there Kiran, don't mind that guy" said Mikey as he hang up.

Already giving them the location to meet as it was one of the place they like staying in their free time, he walked into the restaurant before sitting down.

"It's been long you came to visit, where are your friends?" Asked a waitress after approaching him.

"It's been long indeed, how are you doing Lucy?" Asked Kiran in a friendly way as their two have been friends for some time.

With her mom being the owner of the restaurant, she has always supported her in the restaurant every time, thereby making friends with them.

Seeing as they were all age mate and were free together, it didn't cause them any problem to become friends.

"I've been doing okay, what about Mikey and Caleb?" Asked Lucy as she know that this three usually visit their restaurant together.

"They are on their way" replied Kiran. "Why don't you take a seat".

"Don't worry I'm okay, my mom won't allow it" replied Lucy.

"Good evening Mrs Nelson, hope you don't mind Lucy taking a short break please, don't worry I will pay for wasting her time" said Kiran out loud, causing everyone in the restaurant to turn and face him.

One thing about Kiran was that he wasn't someone who was ashamed to say his things out loud, causing him to have little to no shame.

"It's alright" said Mrs Nelson as she hid her face.

This wasn't the first time Kiran was doing such a thing as he would always insist on Lucy sitting down even when her mom won't agree with it, but saying he will pay for the wastage of her time would always make her have a change of heart.

As there were more than three waitress in the restaurant, it was safe for her to seat as the others could attend to the customers.

"Why do you always like teasing my mom?" Asked Lucy as she knew her mom wouldn't disagree with him.

"Just can't help it, your mom sure do like money a lot" replied Kiran.

Hearing the words of Kiran, they both burst into laughter as it wasn't entirely wrong, Mrs Nelson has always been someone who doesn't play with money.

Taking a chair opposite Kiran, the two of them started catching up on things until they could see Caleb walking in with Mikey following behind.

"Good evening Mrs Nelson" greeted Caleb and Mikey as they pass her table.

Walking towards Kiran, they could see that Lucy was also present causing them to exchange some greetings with her before sitting down.

"Let me guess, you are paying for her taking a break, right?" Asked Mikey with a small chuckle as he fully know that Mrs Nelson wouldn't allow her to seat when she was still on duty.

Not that her mom was being harsh on her, but it's just that she can't sit in a customer seat when she's still wearing her uniform. It might cause some commotion with the customers which she doesn't want at all cause, but knowing as it was them, she let it slide as no one could question them.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it.

This is the name of the novel, PATHWAY OF DEATH. Please do support me ♥️