Strict CEO

After waiting for about a hour and getting bore of browsing through the computer, he stood up so as to walk around the building.

Walking pass different office and going down the stairs, he could see some people looking at him surprised.

"Who brought his or her kid to work, if CEO was to see him then his parent will be fire at once" whisper one of the worker to her colleague.

"She wouldn't take it lightly especially when she's currently in a bad mood" whispered the other.

'Wow mom, seems you are a different woman when at work because seeing as how your workers are afraid of you means you are very strict' said Kiran inwardly as he continue walking like if he didn't hear them.

Reaching the one hundred and fifteen floor, he was surprised to see two guards currently blocking his path.

The no kids policies was a strict rule which everyone must obey in the company unless under some circumstances where you have to first take permission from the CEO and then proceed if she agrees.

So seeing Kiran patrolling from office to office and they weren't inform of such matter beforehand, they quickly jump into action as they don't want to lose their jobs.

In the other cases of kids paying a visit to the company, the guards were always inform so they won't have to restrict their movements. And having not seen Kiran with his dad entering inside the elevator and going to the top floor, they have no information of who he was.

Therefore in this type of situation, they would have to ask him some questions so as to take him to his parent office or he was to follow them to the announcing office.

"Come with us kid" said one of the guards as he was about to hold him, but Kiran dodge his hand.

"Why do I have to follow you two" asked Kiran as he look at them.

"First of all, who are your parent and who brought you here?" Asked the other guard.

"Why do you think I should answer yours when you haven't answer mine?" Asked Kiran with no single fear showing in his eyes.

"Kids aren't allow here unless under some circumstances which we weren't aware of, so you have to follow us to answer some questions" replied the guards.

"My mom is the CEO of this cooperation, so I'm fully allowed here" said Kiran.

Hearing the words of Kiran, the two guards burst out in laughter as they couldn't believe their strict CEO would bring her kid to work and wouldn't inform them beforehand when she clearly put the rules of no kids without permission.

Seeing as the two guards were laughing at him, his anger quickly start rising as their laughter was annoying him.

"Okay then, about you call your mom so we can have a talk with her" said one of the guards as he stop his laughter seeing as how Kiran was about to explode.

Calming himself down, he took out his phone before pressing on his mom contact but was surprised to see it was unavailable.

'How could I forget this, she must clearly have shut her phone off, because of the board meeting' said Kiran inwardly.

With him putting the call on loud speaker, the two guards continue their laughter as they heard it was unavailable.

"Alright kid, move your smart ass and follow us" said the guards as they compose themselves and was about to hold him, but was dodge.

"I wouldn't be following you guys, either you follow me to my mom's office and wait for her to finish her meeting or you try to hold me and get hurt" replied Kiran.

Hearing the words of Kiran, one of the guard throw a blow which wasn't too fast for him to dodge.

Dodging the attack of the guard, Kiran move back as he wasn't inclined to attack back.

The reason for the guard throwing a blow in his own case was to test the water before proceeding, and currently now, Kiran was the water.

"No wonder you seem so confident, you think just because you learn some martial art, then you are ready for a real life experience" said the other guard after Kiran dodge his colleague attack.

"How about we go for it if you think you are so strong?" asked Kiran as he doesn't like to be look down upon.

Hearing the words of Kiran, the other man quickly through a fist towards him, but was dodge.

Throwing his leg out with a great force, Kiran kick the leg of the guard which he has just dodge his fist.

"You brat" said the guard as he grit his teeth, swinging another of his fist in a face pace, he was surprise to see that it was also dodge.

"Talking about real life experience, you don't look like someone who has been through much in this work, seems you haven't encounter any trouble since you have been employed" said Kiran standing some meters from him.

Moving forward this time around, the guard was determined to use all his might as he won't hold back anymore, not even caring if he was a kid.

Throwing a kick towards Kiran and seeing as he has move already, he quickly throw a fist towards him which he block.

'What kind of strength is this, do you intend to kill me, well I think I deserve it' said Kiran as he gently shake his head to reduce the pain.

Seeing as the guard throw a fist forward this time around, he dodge and move to the right before throwing a powerful kick which connect with the guard rib cage, the guard immediately gritted his teeth as the force from the kick was great.

The other guard seeing as how his colleague was having trouble catching Kiran, he was about joining him, but a sudden voice immediately make him stop in his place.