[Bonus chapter] Chapter 54: Emura His Cute Dragon Maid!


Lucifer dropped and landed on his castle wall; the moment his feet touched down with a thud. He received the most generous reception he could recall.

"Welcome home! Our revered Lord and Master!"

"Umu, you have such beautiful scales. Do you take care of them with a special oil, Emura?"

He looked down at her delicate pink hands, which no longer had putrid scales. She could control her dragon bloodline with ease now. Her red scales withdrew into her fingertips and formed sharp, red claws.

"M-master...Are my hands prettier now?"

Emura bowed her head with a slight blush on her cheeks. She shuffled her feet along the ground, kicking a few strokes away. His hand suddenly stroked her vibrant red hair with a soft touch. He leaned close to this short girl and whispered into her ear.

"You are so beautiful to me! Both in the past and now."