Class 2A

It was one of the bothersome classes in the entirce school. It had rude delinquents and ill mannered girls. So far every teacher who has ever taught that class knew that if the students didn't want to learn then they sure as hell wouldn't learn that day and today was one of those days.

Ms. Tania was the homeroom teacher for the class and she was the not ignored teacher in the class because she was young and had a soft personality. Even at this moment, she was reading a textbook on English literature but she might as well have been reading to herself.

It had been only thirty minutes when she ad started to teach and only 5 students out of the 20 in the class had acknowledged her presence.

"Sigh," it was at least better than nothing.

While in the midst of teaching a young handsome boy stood in the doorway and lightly knocked. He had black short hair, glistening black skin and judging from his attire he must have been a new student.

"Come in please," Ms Tania said and the boy walked in. "Come to the front please."

Silence filled the noisy class as I stood in the front. Eyes were fixed on me and I somewhat felt uncomfortable being in all their gazes.

"Alright class it seems we have a new student today," the teacher said. "I am Ms Tania the homeroom teacher."

"Yeah right more like no room teacher!" someone shouted from the back right corner of the class. It wasn't a funny joke in any sense but his friends and some crowd of girls laughed since they were making fun of Ms Tania.

The punk who said that was a buff guy with a growing mustache, he had scam written all over his face and he didn't even look like a teenager at all. He locked gazes with me and I clearly got the impression that he was sizing me up, trying to see if I was a predator or prey.

I guess the smirk on his face gave him an idea that I was the latter.

'Let's just hope we don't get off on the wrong foot,' I thought and returned my own sly smirk at him. The smile on his lips instantly turned into a scowl as he gritted his teeth.

"Hey new guy what's your name again?" buff mustache said

"Hello my name is Tyler Calvin," I replied with a chill expression.

"Cool mine's Don Grudge and I'll show you the ropes of this place," he said in a cunning voice. He's face said it all he was the top dog and I was the newbie, he was probably going to put me through hell in the name of hazing but for one to make another's life hell they must be ready to live through hell itself.

"Well then I'll be in your care...Don," I nodded in mock respect which seemed to have pissed him off more.

" that that's out of the way Tyler you'll sit on the empty spot next to Rochelle," Ms Tania pointed at an empty desk that was close to a red haired girl who was among the only girls here wearing crimson trousers unlike the others who preferred short shirks inorder to show of their goods.

Rochelle had white smooth skin, green eyes, and her red hair formed small bangs on her forehead. In my eyes she looked like a sweet girl with a kind personality and as she studied my slow approach I smiled in greeting sitting next to her. A text book was open on top of her desk.

"Well then we'll continue with page 37," Ms Tania said before she read on. It was Hamlet by William Shakespeare.

Shit I didn't have a text a matter of fact I didn't have any text books yet so I thought of a temporary solution.

I looked towards Rochelle who now seemed delved in her book.

"Uhm Rochelle?" I whispered

"Don't talk to me," she whispered harshly. Maybe she was still a sweet girl?

"Would you mind sharing your book?"

"Don't you have your own?"

"Well I'm just starting today_"

"What kind of crazy bastard comes to school without their textbook?"

Damn my ego shattered, I take back what I said about her being sweet and kind. I was sitting next to the ice queen herself.

"Pst...hey," someone whispered behind me and when I looked back in was a boy with spiky black hair.

"Hey don't think too much about it man she gives every guy the cold shoulder. She thinks we're animals," the spiky haired guy said and I laughed silently.

"Shut it d*ckheads," Rochelle fired.

Definitely the ice queen.

"Neh," the guy stuck his tongue at her. "I'm Nathan by the way but you can call me Nate"

"Nice to meet you," I replied.

I guess the first day of school had started out well for me but I could feel Don's gaze burrowing a hole in the back of my head. Guess the problems were yet to come.

I pulled my note book and pen and begun to write down some rough notes.