Danger Up Above

Nathan was surprised. Was she always a monster? Nathan thought but he already knew the answer to that.

"Do all of you guys only think with your fists or what?" Rochelle said

Reynolds and Dutch had broken from their daze and they too stepped up.

"You shouldn't have done that," Dutch said as he clenched his fists and stepped forward.

"I'll go high you go low," Rochelle said to me. I didn't really get the meaning in her words but either way I went along with her as she dashed toward Dutch. Then when she was a good ten feet away I saw her leap towards the wall on the left, she managed to balance herself for a second or two before using it as a foothold and launching herself further up. For a brief moment it seemed like she was flying. The sight had caught him off guard. Rochelle twisted in the air and aligned her body with her leg sticking out, the movement imitated a spinning disk.

Before Dutch could fathom, the heel of her foot made contact with his lower jaw, the impact rattling him as he staggered backwards a point at which he meet the inner part of my elbow as I forced him down. He landed flat on his back. I didn't stop moving though, like a viper I moved towards Reynolds and gave him an uppercut with my right hand and sent a jab at his ribs with my left. I then spun round with the point of my elbow sticking out. It made contact with his cheek. Reynolds was out of the game after that.

Allen thought he could sneak up to me but with my heightened senses I ducked left dodging his punch but then he brought up his knee and aimed at my gut while at the same time his hands held the back of my neck as he pulled me down.

I used my forearms to block it before pushing my palms into his gut. I heard him grunt but he didn't relinquish his hold. His grip was alot stronger than I thought and to be honest I didn't think I could get out of this one easily. He hauled me to the side, my back hitting the wall forcefully which sent a waft of air out of me together with a grunt. This guy had a monstrous grip. He still held me down and he brought up his knee again.

Before it made further movement I sent my fist in the meet of his thigh. He's knee jerked back. My fist ached but that was nothing compared to how he's thigh was doing. Didn't mean that I was done punching though,I hit his other thigh then aimed for his groin.

Seeing this Allen released his grip and stepped away for fear of experiencing what Spike did. I took a deep breath while shooting forward. I used the back of my fist into his left side of his ribs and followed it up with a series of punches up to his armpit. Allen felt the impact of each blow like someone was throwing bricks at him.

I twisted around him kicked the back of his knees. Allen went down like a worshipper and I shoot my own knee under his chin but I used moderate strength. He went down further to his arms but he was still conscious that's when I heard a ping coming from back pockets of his trousers. I reached for it out of curiosity but the moment I checked the text my face hardened.


Yo we're gonna have some fun with

Laura on the rooftop]

I dropped the phone infront of his eyes and asked. "Which Laura are they talking about?"

"Why should I answer you," Allen said but the moment his words got out he regretted it. I grabbed his arm and twisted it straight behind his back. His arm was locked and he was pinned down. I didn't stop there though I continued to pull on his arm

"If you don't answer me right now you'll regret it," I said and pulled harder.

"Ahh!" Allen groaned but it was slowly turning to a scream.

This guy's gonna break my shoulder, he thought. He started to think if keeping quiet was the right thing for him to do right now. The pain intensified and he decided it wasn't worth it.

"It's Calvin! Laura Calvin!" he shouted and was relieved when his arm was freed but then his face was bashed into the ground.

Upon hearing the name I had bashed his head in to a certain degree that he was still conscious. The text had said they were going to have fun with Laura and I had a feeling things weren't going to be fun for her because after seeing her personality she wouldn't be one to hang out with these scumbags.

Nathan and Rochelle had watched all my actions in shock. They'd witness someone mercilessly torture someone then bash their head in of course they'd be shocked and I wouldn't blame them if they avoided me after that. I didn't have time to worry about that though.

"Laura's in trouble," I muttered and raced back the way we'd come but I briefly halted. "Oh and you and me need to talk further about this you got that?" My words were directed to the guy who's head I'd bashed in.

I continued to run forward. I passed the cafeteria once more and knocked the door to the school hallway open with my shoulder. The doors opened with a loud bang. Beatrice and Patricia has just been about to go through the doors at the time and head to the cafeteria to look for Laura after a fruitless search there. If they'd been a few inches closer to the doors then they'd have had to book an appointment for a nose job.

"Kyaa!," Beatrice yelped as they jumped backwards but calmed down when she saw me.

"Sorry," I said as I continued forward.

"Wait have you seen Laura by any chance?" Patricia asked.

"She's on the roof," I said as raced down the hallway and took a turn.

Patricia and Beatrice gave each other knowing looks before running after Tyler, when they turned he was already gone.

"How's he so fast?" Beatrice muttered. Perhaps that was where he was rushing off to. just then two other students came in a hurry while panting, Allen Baker following closely behind them but his face was covered in bruises and swollen in places. "What happened to you?" Patricia asked.

"He tried to pick a fight with Tyler," the boy said. Both Patricia and Beatrice had shocked expressions on their faces.

"Oh? And you are?" Patricia regained her composure.

"I'm Nathan," the boy said.

"I'm Rochelle," the girl said and afterwards Patricia and Beatrice also introduced themselves. They then all decided to follow Tyler up to the rooftop.

In the meanwhile I had been running up the stairs skipping over two steps at a time. I reached the second floor but I crossed it in less than thirty seconds. I was up a second set of stairs again and I ran as fast as I could. I had to reach Laura and I had to so fast.

After a few minutes I had reached the stairs to the roof where I found Laura pinned to the wall on the platform on the stairs while some punk in Golden hair was running his hand up under her skirt. My original plan was to sneak up to him and break at least five of his bones but I'd lost my cool when he called Laura a bitch. I'd spoken up and compromised my advantage but it didn't matter to me beçause I was helping my sister in the process and that had taken us to where we were now. Allen and I sat on the bleechers while the rest of the guys were with Laura in the nurse's office.

"Tell me what I need to know and I'll let you off easy," I said looking forward. Allen's swollen face was glistened with sweat.

"What.. what do you want to know?" Allen stuttered.

"Everything you know about Brandon and his connection to Layla," I replied and Allen wasted no time in explaining what he knew.