School at it's end

After realizing that a lot had happened it appeared as if they were all shocked. This was probably the most exciting day of Nate's school life. Usually it would just be him spending the day alone, quietly waiting for the school day to end, then he would have to sneak through the streets to avoid being spotted by his Butler and driver Wilfred before heading to a PC Cafe where he'd play some games before standing on a bus stop and calling Wilfred to come get him. It was a routine he had grown too used and bored to, so a little excitement wasn't a problem for him.

While Rochelle on the other hand was finding it hard since she loved focusing on her studies and did little to no fighting at all and since she had spent the most of lunch break fighting off Allen and his friends instead of studying, so for her these were just major changes and at the same time it was something to do with the new pretty boy who had just landed into her life with a tornado of chaos. She looked across the table at him and released a sighed.

"So what happened back there with Allen exactly?" Rochelle asked this time she made it clear and had also voiced out Nate's question. Thy had both witnessed me almost pop his shoulder out then slam his head mercilessly in the ground so of course they'd ask me that, in fact they'd even be wary of me.

"It was the fastest way for me to get information out of him not mention the text he got from Brandon regarding my sister, so yeah I did what I thought was best in the situation," I began explaining while looking at their faces. "Look I have lived a hard life with no memory of having a family so I made a promise to myself that I'd do whatever it takes to protect it. I know what I did wasn't right was a means to an end." I got up and walked out of the cafeteria leaving them to their thoughts and made my way to class.

It wasn't long until I was back in class, sitting on my desk and revising through the previous lessons as well as preparing for the next one as well which was geography. It has become somewhat of a habit on my end to always revise files to the point where I can memorize every single detail that was important. I was so engrossed in my books that I hadn't noticed a girl standing in front of my desk. The girl had long, silky blonde hair, a long oval shaped face with a small nose, pink lips and large blue eyes that would make you think she was a pop idol, which made me wonder. 'Why is she standing in front of me,' I thought as o looked at her for a brief moment before bringing my eyes back to my books because I had to finish my task.

"Ehem! Hie," she said and again I stopped what I was doing.

"May I help you?" I asked in a friendly manner, a smile plastered on my face.

"Well yeah I mean...of course," she was twirling her finger through her hair. Was she nervous? I had no idea so I played along for now.

"And how can I be of service?" I asked while staring at her.

"Well...I was hoping that we could hang out?" she said while averting her face from my gaze. I was silent for a moment or two, contemplating what the best answer might be but before I could respond.

"Oh sorry but we'll be busy hanging out as well," Nate seemingly appearing out of nowhere wrapped his arms around my neck. And Rochelle had gotten into her seat.

"And where will that be?" Rochelle asked us.

"Well the PC Cafe of course," Nate replied.

"Wait...," I wanted to say something but Rochelle stepped of my foot discretely making me shut up.

"Bye bye," Rochelle waved the girl off and out of embarrassment the girl left us.

"Oh thank God we got here just in time," Nate sighed.

"Yeah," Rochelle replied and by the looks of their faces they seemed relieved for some reason.

"Uh what do you mean got here in time?" I looked towards Nate.

"Don't worry about it and just thank us bro," Nate patted me on my back before heading off to his seat. I was still confused so I looked towards Rochelle quizzically but she just mouthed the words 'your welcome' before minding her own business like she usually does.

Anyway I don't have time to think about it too much as the geography teacher came in and the students who weren't in they're seats shuffled towards their respective desks. He was a medium sized man with a round fat belly and was wearing round glasses which was awkward for the current generation at least. The lesson started and I concentrated on what the teacher was saying.


The time being four pm, school was over the day and the bell ringing just confirmed that the students were free to go home. Several students cheered in joy as the jumped out of their desks and several boys practically run out of the classroom and it didn't take long for the school to be half empty.

Currently standing in front of the headmaster's office was none other than me.

"Come in," I heard Mrs Spidle say from behind the door.

Slowly pushing it open I walked into the tidy office. "Excuse the intrusion ma'am but_"

"Oh yes quick be a dear and give me a hand will you?" she said as she waved me over. Currently she was standing on her toes reaching out for a black cardboard box at the top of the shelf but she wasn't able to lift it.

"Err...sure," I came over and lifted the box with ease.

"Wow you're pretty strong aren't you?" she commented, "set it down on the table."

I did as told and she went behind her desk, she pulled open the drawer and took out a folded uniform set. It consisted of a crimson red with a white shirt and black tie that was in a transparent plastic covering She handed it to me before waving me off while pulling what seemed to be some files from the box.

Thanking her I left the office and quicky but carefully put the uniform in my backpack before heading of outside.

The sun was now setting giving the surface a tint of slight red. Stepping outside the parking space was deserted, Laura had already left with Patricia and Beatrice same thing for Rochelle and Nate. I had memorized the way to go so I didn't waste time as I stepped out of the front gates. I walked around exploring the area and decided I should maybe explore the city a fair bit and besides I had the time. I walked from the school past some apartments. I reached a crossing and got across with no trouble at all. There was a salon, a flower boutique and several other buildings around this part including the PC Cafe that Nate was talking about earlier.

After about twenty minutes of roaming around I decided it was now time to turn around and head home but as I did that though I noticed a group of men wearing snazzy black suits rushing around the streets showing people a photo and when people shook their heads they seemed to be panicking. A black car pulled up at my side and the window to the back seat rolled down to reveal a man in his probable thirties with black shiny hair combed backwards and asian looks in his face.

"Sorry for the bother kid," the man said but I ignored him and continued to walk forward like I hadn't noticed him in the first place. I didn't want to get involved with him and I needed to head home before it got dark.

The car followed me driving at a speed to match mine.

"Look kid I don't want to be doing this but have you seen this girl?" the man said as he showed me a photo of a Korean girl with a silver hair, her eyes were closed and she was smiling brightly. "Her name is Kim Kang, she's my niece and she was supposed to come home by now or at least text or call me but she's done none of that and she's not picking up her phone either"

Honestly, I didn't know if he was saying the truth or not but by the way he spoke he seemed to be clearly worried unless he was an excellent actor that is.

"I haven't seen her and besides how do you know she's not out with her friends or her boyfriend or something. You never with these hormonal teenagers," I said.

"I highly doubt that," the man mumbled before sighing. "Thanks anyway kid"

The car drove off leaving me to wonder what the hell that was?

Either way it wasn't my business so I let it go and continued walking on. I didn't even reach that far until I felt a presence behind me. Turning my head slightly I could see clearly a group of teenagers following behind me they were ten probably more but their intent was clear. They weren't here for a friendly chat.

Three more came in front of my path with bicycles blocking me off.

"Is this what highschool life is like? If so then I wish I didn't even bother!" I screamed internally.