Feelings of the heart

The events of the alley with Brandon and his friends had exhausted me a lot more than I initially thought. I had managed to make it back home just in time for dinner but first I had to sneak into the bathroom and was my hands which were red with dried blood. As I washed them I remembered how I had easily lost control today. If I had continued to go berserk I would have probably killed him, no, would have definitely killed him and ruined my life before it even began.

'Lets just hope he leaves me and Laura alone,' I sighed.

"Dinners ready!" Aunt Carol called from the kitchen. At the time I was stepping out of the bathroom and coincidentally met Laura.

"Oh you're back?" she said surprised and I nodded while hiding my hands behind my back, I tried to do it inconspicuously as possible but Laura had noticed the slight movement.

"Where did you go?" she asked

"Just hanging out with Nate at the PC Café," I lied and if Nate was standing next to me right now he would have stared at me in disbelief.

"What's with your hands?" she eyed my skeptically.

"Well…I don't really have a sensible explanation about how it happened but my knuckles are swollen in a way," I laughed nervously.

"Uh huh…you know what let's just go eat," she walked off, heading to the kitchen while I made my way to my room.

A few minutes later I walked towards the kitchen and found Laura and Aunt Carol already seated at the dining table. The food was already set so all I had to do was join them and that I did. We are in silence for a few moments before the classic question came.

"So how was school?" Aunt Carol asked

"Honestly…it was exhausting," I said nervously. "But it was also a good experience"

"Oh really? What was the good part?"

"I got to socialize a little and make some friends," I smiled. In retrospect I was glad that Nate and Rochelle decided to talk to me without any hidden ulterior motives, or so I'd like to believe. Aunt Carol just smiled sweetly at my response and we all continued eating silently for a few more moments before Aunt Carol stood up and said," I figured you didn't have a smartphone so I thought you could use my old one just for the time being"

She went upstairs and returned while holding a black cell phone in her hand. While she was giving it to me she explained that it already had hers and Laura's phone numbers saved in it.

"Thank you," I said and after that we cleared the table. Aunt Carol went to bed early because she had a meeting while Laura and I stayed up cleaning the dishes.

While standing in front of the sink I could feel a sharp gaze burrowing two holes in the back of my head. It was so uncomfortable that I had no choice but to turn around.


"Are you seriously not going to tell me what happened while you were out today?" she asked

"Its already handled so there's nothing to worry about," I waved off her concern, to which she pouted before turning around and storming off like a little girl.

Making sure the doors were locked tight I turned off the lights and went to bed. The moment I fell on my bed the fatigue from all of today's events finally caught up and in a matter of seconds I was in a deep slumber.

The school was louder than ever today as most of the school's trouble makers were either coming in with black eyes or some limbs in casts.

"Hey do you think they went up against gangsters or something?"

"What are you talking about? Just shut up if you don't want to become a target will you," another whispered back but alas that don't stop others from asking around and they had eventually found out that they had ganged up against a certain someone and had lost either way. But most just believed they were exaggerating so not many were in the same line as that thought.

I had just arrived at the entrance of the school and was surprised to see four students standing just outside the door to the hallway as if they were waiting for something.

"We welcome that boss!" all four of them said at once and stood in attention. I stood there for a moment trying to recall if I had seen these guys somewhere. Of course the four standin there were Scott, Frank, Damian and Randy.

"The fuck?" I wondered as I simply walked past them and walked on to class. Luckily there was no one to witness the four weirdos greetings me so I was saved from becoming the main topic for gossip.

Rochelle was already in her seat and unlike everyone else it seemed like she had been there the longest.

"Hey," I greeted as I sat down

"Hey," she replied

"You look like you've been here a while," I smiled.

"Oh so you noticed huh," she had a proud expression on her face.

On the other side of the classroom sitting in her desk and staring intently was a girl with long silky blonde hair, it was the same girl who had approached Tyler yesterday, her name was Ireen Smoak and the reason why she was staring so intently was pretty obvious.

Ireen was a beauty in the making, in fact some of the boys might have debated saying she was the prettiest in the entire class and despite all that Tyler had mostly ignored her. Usually all the guys would have their eyes on her even if they were a new student so to her it made less sense why he had ignored her yet there she was talking so casually with Rochelle. At first she thought she could be able to ignore it but now seeing them like that was just pushing her buttons but she didn't want to be like the other girls who take their pride too far and hurt others and besides she saw what Tyler did to Don and his group of lackeys and she had also obtained information saying he defeated Brandon yesterday even though he was ambushed, no one would want to make that type of person their enemy and neither did she.

While deep in thought Tyler had turned around and looked directly at her, immediately she turned her head away with her cheeks red embarrassed that she was caught staring.