The young master

The rest of the school day had ended quietly with no major incidents, Laura had managed to get by just fine, Brandon was nowhere to be seen but that was expected given the injuries I had inflicted on him. Right now walking through a crowd of teenagers that was flooding out towards the exit was me, Rochelle and Nathan.

Though I was mostly silent Nathan kept on talking about what could have possibly happened to most of the bullies as well as Brandon.

"I'll be the one to say this but you've only been for like a day and you're already causing a storm bro," Nathan chuckled.

"Anyway are you gonna join the football team?" Nathan asked looking at me.

"Mmh...doesn't that mean I'll spend less time with my family?" I asked when I was thinking about the possible training regimes for football players.

"Well yeah but just think about the benefits. You could get scouted by organizations and maybe even get a scholarship," Nathan pointed out.

"Still though I'd rather go for it at a later time," I replied. "Right now I'm not in the best shape."

"Pfft...what do you mean not the best shape! Dude you have super reflexes, incredible will power and most of all you can hella throw a fist," Nathan summarized. At this point Rochelle face palmed herself.

"Are you an idiot? Just because you can fight doesn't make you the best player," Rochelle chimed in for the first time since they came out of class.

I wasn't lying when I said that I wasn't in the best shape. After yesterday's fight my muscles were aching from all over my body, it must have been a result of using that strange energy to power my self.

I still don't know what that was but it could prove to come in handy. the only problem is that I have no idea how I drew it out last time,' I thought as I clenched my fist.

Stepping outside of the school block the front gate was right before us but so was a white white Jaguar with what appeared to be a man in a butler outfit waiting beside the hood with his hands behind his back. He had her black hair that was combed backwards and stood nearly 6 ft 5.

Rochelle and I kept walking up ahead that we never noticed how Nathan stopped walking in his tracks. It was only after a few feet that we turned to see that Nathan's face wore a tired expression. Taking in a few deep breaths Nathan walked forward ahead of us which surprised us by not as much as him walking towards the man in the butler outfit.

"Young master Nathan," the butler said to Nathan with a respectful bow. Rochelle and I shared a bewildered glance.


"Damn it Gordon how many times have I told you not to come to school gates!?" Nathan said

"I'm sorry young master but it was a direct order from your father who seems to be more alert than usual especially since the military contract with the government is about to be concluded," Gordon the butler replied in a calm sincere voice.

Nathan just let out a sigh because he understood what the butler said. His father owned a tech company called Chisle Tech Corp. which was leading in technological evolutions naturally the government wants to keep them in the land while the other nations try to convince them to join so the deal between the American government and Chisle Tech has upset multiple nations who are trying to block the deal, legally or using underhanded techniques. That was why Nathan's father was being more protective than usual.

"So I can't visit the PC Cafe with my friends today?" Nathan asked in a defeated voice while he pointed in our direction because he was fully aware this was for his safety.

"I'm afraid not young master but you could invite them over to the manor later," Gordon suggested because it was the first time he had heard the young master talk about friends and he didn't want to ruin it for him.