Under siege (1)

Tyler and Kim were now at the front entrance of the building. Tyler was taking point. He opened the front glass doors and was immediately greeted by six men who also seemed to be preparing to go out to check what the commotion was about.

They were stunned for a moment as they didn't know what to make of this. A highschooler in a place like that was just unheard of, to Tyler on the other hand these men were just an obstacle standing in his way from getting to his sister. Stretching out his arm, he rammed his fist into the face of the closest man. The man couldn't even react in time as he felt his nose break.

A man who was on Tyler's left took a step forward but...


A sharp pain travelled throughout the man's leg and before he knew it he was screaming on the floor.

10/15 Bullets

Tyler had fired off a shot and he cursed himself for it because he was planning to save as many bullets as possible. A fist was aiming for the side of his face yet he didn't dodge, instead he hit the bottom part of the incoming fist with the barrel of the gun. The man grunted in pain and tried to pull away yet he felt a tight grip on his collar as he pulled in and before a knew it Tyler rammed his forehead into his jaw and throwing him over his shoulder. The man landed hard on the ground.

The third man used this a opening to kick Tyler in the side of the head. Tyler felt his brain wiggle within his skull for a second or two as the kick was harder than he had anticipated. It knocked him off balance as his body swayed to the side and he landed on his knees.

"You thought you could just come in here and cause a ruckus huh!" said the man who had successfully gotten a hit in.

"Shtupit bwat[stupid brat]" the man with the broken nose said. Four men now surrounded Tyler as he had yet to stand. It took him a moment or two for him to formulate his best plan of action. And finally he could feel that other energy surging through his body as it gave him additional strength.


Kim who was watching everything from behind the door could only imagine the worst as she saw Tyler on his knees just staying still when she could already imagine him shooting down all the men down.

'What is he doing? Should I go help him?' Kim was in a confused state that she never paid attention to her surroundings, that was until she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder from behind. Since she still had the knife in her hand and she was already in a startled state, it was only natural that her reaction to this was a graceless spin with the blade cutting the air. She felt the tip of the blade graze skin before the hand was pulled away.

"Ouch little angel when did you learn to be violent?" a voice spoke out but it wasn't just any voice, this was the voice of someone she was used to and had wanted nothing more than to see them again.

Kim felt tears coming to her eyes as she was really glad.

"Uncle Seojun!" she ran into his arms an cried into his chest.

"There there I'm here now," he patted her back affectionately. Seojun didn't come alone though he brought with him a dozen of his trusted and strongest men.

Kim felt a tranquil peace for a few moments before she came back to reality. Her eyes snapped open almost instantly.

"You have to help him!" she said pointing towards Tyler's direction but she didn't see what was happening right now unlike Seojun.

He was shocked for two reasons;

1. He recognised the kid as he had stopped in the previous day

2. Tyler was doing what less than a handful of people could do and that was use Qi. Tyler's Qi was spiralling throughout his body and Seojun could sense that.

"What is he doing here?" Seojun asked Kim

"His sister was also kidnapped so he came to get her out. She's also the reason why I managed to get out and her brother helped me out," Kim said looking at Seojun with big round eyes that seemed to sparkle as if they had stars. She looked like a puppy.

"Alright men move in and help the kid," he ordered at the snap of his fingers.

"Yes sir!" his men moved in. They all wore black jackets, they would have looked like members of a board staff had it not been for there muscular statures and tattoos.


The men surrounding Tyler approached him cautiously as they were still aware of the gun in his hand but the man who had his nose broken was impatient and he rushed in for a kick to his side. He wanted to inflict as much pain as possible because of the humiliation he felt.

But it went very different than he imagined because the moment his leg Tyler's radius, Tyler moved faster than he could realise what just happened until he felt an arm wrap around his legs before he was pushed off the ground. He was lifted into the air for a second before Tyler slammed him into the ground. Aloud thud could be heard and the ground felt like it was shaking for a moment.

The energy could move through Tyler's body as if it could feel his intentions and it had travelled to his arms which increased his strength by twofold above average that's how he was able to lift the man off the ground. Feeling the energy move towards his legs, Tyler kicked off the ground and the man who was closest saw nothing but a blur before Tyler was directly in his face. Tyler grabbed him on the back of the neck before pulling his head down while he raised his knee. The energy exploded at the point of impact rupturing his insides and the man was forced to cough out blood.

Tyler released him as he aimed his gun toward the remaining two men and without hesitation he fired off two rounds.

*bang* *bang*

8/15 Bullets

The men were on the floor wriggling in pain. At the far end of the room and elevator dinged as it opened up and ten other men were spilling out others holding guns while others had electric batons.

"Well this is a pain in the ass," Tyler muttered while he fired off at the men with the guns first because he knew they'd be a huge problem.

5/15 Bullets.

Three men feel dead with gaping holes in their foreheads, the rest were dazed for a moment but that was more than enough for Tyler who fired off two more shots that went through the thighs of two more men who held the batons.

With the energy transferred to his legs, Tyler ran as fast as a stallion on a racetrack. He threw out his fist which had twice it's usual strength due to the momentum he was carrying. The fist landed in the man's gut and the force from that one punch pulled him out of the fight as his body was flung away by the force.

One of the other men holding the baton electrocuted his side and a mild spasm went thrpugh his system and he was paralysed momentarily. Tyler could feel the energy working in his body as it tried to bring him up to peak condition. After three seconds he could feel his limbs relaxing and he coul move again yet before he could do anything another jolt travelled throughout his body.

"Ah!" Tyler screamed.

The remaining four men were now continuously electrocuting him and could feel the energy trying to repair whatever damages were occuring but it was nothing compared to the damage he was receiving and now his vision was fading in and out.

'Damn it is this my limit? Was I too reckless that I acted without a proper plan?' discouraging thoughts were running through his head.

'No! Laura still needs me!' He forced the energy out of his body as he remembered the feeling of how it had exploded from the point of his knee at one point and just like that. A huge burst of energy shot out of his body, it was so sudden that it pushed the men back several feet.

Forcing his arm to move he aimed and shot two bullets in gut of one of the men but that was all the movement he could manage at his current state. With another man down only three men were left and it seemed as though they had recovered from the energy outburst and now they were closing in on Tyler and there was nothing he could do.

3/15 Bullets

That was until another gun went off, but it wasn't his. one of the three other men dropped to the floor, an unmoving corpse.

"I think you reached you limit kid but don't worry, we'll take it from here," said a deep voice coming from a man in a dark jacket suit, he had a knife scar across his left eye he was leading Seojun's men and he was the few people who had learn Qi control personally from Seojun. His name was Rock.

Rock could sense Qi with ease so he easily recognized it as the young teenager had used it.

'I guess we have a little monster in Reinfield huh' Rock smiled to himself.