Under siege (3)

When the elevator opened up on the fifth floor, it was as they had expected or to be more precise how Tyler had expected. A total of fifteen men in denim jackets were already waiting.

'Where the hell do all these people come from?' Tyler asked himself because in all honesty he just couldn't see how being a part of a gang would be any better than working at a convenience store or a cafe or what not. All he knew was that some of these men were never going to walk out of this place alive. Rock was the first to make a move. Standing straight he fired his weapon first. while Tyler s

.tepped out and moved ahead kicking the nearest man in his knee. A pop sound could be heard as the man screamed. Tyler shortened his agony by hitting him across the jaw with the butt of one of his guns. Before moving on to the next person. Someone was trying to get close to him from the rear but Tyler wasn't going to let a repetition from earlier occur again and without hesitation he spun and shot a bullet through the man's chest. Before moving onto other five who were blocking his path. Tyler was getting frustrated and the more time he spent away from his sister the more anxious he was getting.

He was about to make a move when five bullets flew past him and hit five of the six men.

"Get going kid we'll wrap things up here real quick," Rock said as he lifted one of the men by the neck and was holding him up in the air.

Rock believed that the kid was more than capable and he would last for a long while before Rock joined him so he wasn't too worried.

For some reason Tyler was starting to feel a kinship with Rock and had a feeling he could trust him with his back so he just went forward of course it was after knocking out the remaining one in his way. Without slowing down his momentum Tyler went to kick the door as hard as he could, the energy within his body moving to empower his leg.

With a loud bang the door swung open, almost flying off it's hinges. It knocked into someone as it opened and in the centre of the room stood a man with a large round body and some blood on his hands. On the ground right below him was Laura who looked to have been beaten up to the point of losing consciousness, her face was swollen and painted red in her blood and her uniform was a mess.

The sight of his sister made his blood boil and the culprit was standing right in front of him. He wasn't going to let him off painlessly and he sure as hell wasn't going to live.

"You! You're the brother! The one who messed with my son!" Houston accused.

"Your the son of a bitch who made a grave mistake," Tyler growled as he aimed his gun and his gun and fired his gun without any hesitation but at the last minute, Rodrigo had regained his bearings and leap up from where he was. He grabbed Tyler's gun hand and pushed it slightly upwards.

The gun went off with a bang and Houston could feel the bullet graze his scalp, his eyes widen in shock when he realized that Tyler was actually aiming to kill him.

Meanwhile Tyler's body had been shoved into the wall which left him in an awkward position to fire his gun. Rodrigo thought thw best way to deal with the teenager was to pin him against the wall and given his large build as compared to Tyler, he thought it would work.

And it would have, if he had counted the backward headbutt that Tyler delivered square to his jaw.

The attack was not necessarily that strong but it had come so all of the sudden that it distracted him for a moment. That distraction was all Tyler needed to loosen his hold and spin with his arm stretched out-this was the arm that held his gun.

The barel of the weapon hit Rodrigo right on his ear and a ringing sound like a siren rang out throughout his head, he was disoriented and losing balance.

'What's with this kid?' Rodrigo thought to himself as he felt his knee get kicked in by Tyler. It wouldn't be enough to knock him down but it had caused him to buckle and stumble backwards.

Houston wasn't idle as he went behind his desk and he pulled out an eight -shot revolver of his own. He was aiming it towards Tyler who was now rushing in for a follow up attack on Rodrigo.

While in the midst of doing so he felt the hairs on his back stand on edge and without prior notice he halted in his advance and leapt backwards. A bang resonated from Houston's side a bullet punched a hole in the wall just outside the open doorway and it had travelled right past where he was. From the corner of his eye he could see Houston repositioning his aim.

Tyler pushed off the ground with his legs while he fired at Houston without even looking. The shot wasn't on target but that wasn't what he was aiming for.

Houston had instinctively ducked under the table. On the other side Tyler had kneed Rodrigo in the gut with the same explosive energy as before and Rodrigo could not help but feel the full force from it as he coughed out some blood. For a second or two he felt as if he couldn't breath as he bent his body forward, Tyler then hit him on the side of his face before whiping out a kick that sent him tumbing out of the office and hitting the wall of the corridor.

Tyler had just dealt with one of the most skillful men that Houston had and although the scuffle didn't last that long Tyler had become more proficient when using the energy within his body and even he didn't know that.

Houston had seen the fight as Tyler dominated over someone who was nearly twice his size and he had shown a level of skill that could only be associated with a veteran fighter which left one question in his mind and that was 'Where the hell did he come from?'

But that wasn't the time to ponder on that because he was next and without wasting more time he aimed his eight-shot revolver but before he could pull the trigger he saw what could only be described as a blur before Tyler's knees had appeared directly in his face.

After Tyler had defeated Rodrigo he powered his legs with the energy to give him the power and speed that he need to jump over the table where Houston was currently taking cover from as he aim his gun at him.

Tyler was confident that he would have hit him but to his surprise he had hit nothing but air. Houston had managed to barely duck as Tyler practically flew over him but taking the opportunity, Houston pulled him by the back of his shirt before lifting him further in the air and slamming him on top of his table.

The legs of the table squeaked from the impact as they threatened to give in. Air was forced out of Tyler's lungs and for a second his vision had gone blank.

Houston now towered over him, an angry expression written all over his face as he squeezed Tyler's throat with one hand and held Tyler's shirt with his other one. Using the strength of his powerful arms Houston lifted Tyler once more and slammed him back on the desk. This time the desk split as it's legs collapsed in on themselves.

Tyler could feel the splinters from the wood pierce his back on several spots and the pain he was suffering was almost unbearable.

Gritting his teeth, Tyler forced his limbs to move as he transferred the energy from healing his wounds to powering his limbs.

Houston thought he had finished the kid for good as he looked at Tyler's body lying between the pieces of the broken desk.

To Houston's great dismay, Tyler wasn't finished just yet as he could still move his limbs. Houston seeing this brought his fist downwards aiming to hit Tyler in the chest.

Seeing this, Tyler rolled backwards narrowly avoiding the blow.

Houston's eyes widened in shock.