The Gang Lord

Slowing my eyes opened as I felt myself lying on something soft. Looking around I noticed that I was in a bedroom but it wasn't my bed room.

"Where am I?" I asked as I thought back to the fight I had with Houston. Then I remembered blacking out when I was going to get Laura.

'Wait Laura!' I shouted internally as I shot up and tried to stand from the bed I laid in.

The moment I did though every cell in my body trembles with pain, my insides felt like they had summersaulted.

"Argh!" a grunt escaped my lips as I almost fell to my knees. Not wanting to hurt myself even more I decided to sit back down on the bed and I finally had a look around. The bed was big with white sheets, a walk in drawer some few feet away and a private bathroom with a bathtub. The room was large probably even larger than mine and it had a fancy feel to it. Looking down my body I noticed I was dressed in pyjamas with SpongeBob faces all over it's design.

"The hell is this?" I asked as I looked how ridiculous I looked but then I felt how warm and comfortable they felt so I did complain that much.

"Argh whatever let's think of where Laura is first," I said to myself before standing up but not as hyper as I did the first time. I carefully approached the door that led out of the room and slowly, I cautiously open it alittle and took a peep into a rather larvish corridor.

Directly infront of the door stood a guard in a black suit who looked at me before taking out his phone and saying the words "He's awake sir"

At first the only thought that crossed my mind was to take him out as quickly as possible but given the sore state of my body, I wasn't so sure it would go my way.

"Come this way please," the man said in a rough voice but there wasn't a hint of hostility so I complied and followed him through the corridor. As we passed through i noted the number of men who were standing in a few places as well as a couple of maids walking around the place as well as tidying up here and there.

The man who was a few places infront of me never said anything to me to I decided to make conversation as well as try to get information.

"So uhm...what is this place?" I asked

"This is the boss' villa," the man replied and dwell on the it for long.

"Oh and where is this so called boss?" I asked and at this he stopped and looked at me before looking away and going forward.

"You meet him soon" that was all I got

"And what about my sister?" I finally asked what was troubling me in the back of my mind.

"She's fine and healing up well too," the man replied before abruptly stopping infront of a door before knocking lightly.

"Come in," a voice that was somehow familiar to me but my mind just couldn't pin point it to where exactly.

The man opened the door and said in a low voice "I brought him sir"

"Thank you Rod you may leave," a man said as he sat with his legs crossed as if he was in a meditative state his back was turned to the door while he faced outside a large window that looked down towards the city in the night.

Rod motioned for me to get in. I did just that and now saw the man just standing up.

He turned to look at me and smiled slightly

"It's good to see you again Tyler," Seojun said with his eyes brimming with delight.

I recognized him as the man from the car that was asking about Kim the other day, this man was Kim's uncle.

"How do you know my name?" I asked while giving him a cautious look. My entire demeanor changed and a slight pressure emitted from my body as I unconsciously released my killing intent.

"Would just relax you brat," Seojun said with a raised eyebrow. He looked at the teenager infront of him with fascination because only those who have killed can release something as nerve racking as killing intent.

"I had my men look into you while you were unconscious and after seeing how you handled yourself at the construction site how could I not," Seojun went to explain further

I calmed down slightly because what he said definitely made sense.

"Alright you know me so how about I know you as well," I said in an indifferent tone

"Fair enough," Seojun said with a smile. "My name is Seojun Kang and I'm the lord of the streets in Reinfield"