Chapter 57: Tyler steps in

When Tyler's feet touched the surface of the roof the looked off in the distance. Faint flames were burning but it seemed that they would soon die out.

He walked towards the direction of the light following the flames in the trees quite a distance to the east of the manor. The sun had long since set and the cold night wind was slowly coming in. coupled with the lack of electricity, the entire place was like a distant cousin of the dark abyss. As he passed by another set of closed windows his senses suddenly pricked as he looked towards a certain direction.

Am I being watched? Tyler said internally. He had this uncomfortable feeling that he was being watched. And if he felt that way then it would only mean one thing.


The moment he discerned this he raced. He no longer cared for his sense of balance. What good would that do him if he was dead?

Pew! A bullet suddenly hit the roof a few inches behind him.

"Damnit!" he cursed he might have been stronger than in the past but withstanding bullets was simply impossible especially if the bullets were high caliber penetrating bullets! Without hesitation he shoot of like a rocket as Force energy surged through his body. Several bullets hitting the roof behind him only to miss. His speed naturally amplified and in less than fifteen seconds he found himself at the edge of the roof. Without hesitation he leapt off. After Tyler landed on the ground he ran for the trees. He breathed a sigh. That was a close call. A second later and he would have been downed by the sniper.

Tyler had long concluded that whoever it was that was attacking they weren't more than ten. How'd he know that? It was the tactics that they were using. Diversions, splitting the defenses of the place. If it were a large team they would have taken a more frontal approach.

Shaking his head he concentrated on the dense murderous intent in the distance as well as the rise in force and without hesitation headed that way. By the time that he got there he found several dead men. They were all dressed the same. They were the guards, Tyler concluded. He shook his head and thought about his comrades at the ACD for a moment before tucking those thoughts to the back of his mind. Now wasn't the time to think about that. He quickly picked up a pistol that was lying on the ground, checked the magazine and moved forward.

The dense murderous aura was a little further away probably ten meters or so and he could hear the sounds of a struggle not too far away.

He arrived just when Tai Long had snapped a tree in half with his leg!

This was insane!

[AN: says the guy who literally jumped off a roof but no one's judging right?]

He also noticed that Tai Long's leg had broken guess the force was too much for Tai Long's current body. When he saw this he couldn't help but think back to his past encounter with Houston, had he not been able to somewhat control the output of his force back then his body would have shut down long before he even managed to defeat him.

This was exactly what happened a few moments later as he collapsed on the ground.

Drake was puzzled by this development. His vision somewhat cleared. He was positive that this would be the part where he would most definitely fall. But that didn't happen, instead he could only see Tai Long on the ground through his cloudy vision not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Drake moved toward Tai Long's figure. He had to make sure that he was truly dead but before he could do anything..

"Don't move" a voice said behind him as a gun's muzzle was directly to his head. Drake could only internally curse at his luck.

The moment Tyler saw Drake's clothing he knew immediately that he wasn't a guard here which meant the force user on the ground was one. How could Tyler let Drake go with this in mind?

"Tell me why you are here?" Tyler said in a low voice but to Drake he might as well have shouted.

"I can't tell you that"


"Ah! Son of a bitch!" Drake shouted as he felt a bullet rip through the back of his knee. The knee that belonged to his good leg.

"If you're not gonna tell me anything then you might as well just die" Tyler said while aiming directly in Drake's face. Drake was now kneeling before Tyler like a servant before a king. "Choose now?"

To add more emphasis he fired again only this time the bullet only grazed Drake's ear. Drake stifled and gulped.

"I-I'll talk" Drake finally said looking up his vision spinning and his ears ringing. It took him a few moments but he finally cleared his vision only to see Tyler's face even in the darkness, it was clear that Tyler was a young lad.

"Good who sent you?" Tyler asked

"I don't know. I'm here for the thrill you know. The adrenaline rush" Drake said nervously

"So what was your goal here?"

"It was the CEO's son Nate Chisel we were supposed to capture him nothing more nothing less"

"I'm guessing killing the guards was part of the 'less' right?" Tyler stated clearly he was infuriated. He knew that deaths were inevitable but this was just too much. The men who had been killed were only doing their jobs, they weren't too experienced and they weren't soldiers either. They were only men trying to make a living by protecting the Chisel's and they loved it.

Drake could only remain silent. Waiting for Tyler to either speak or take action

"How many of you are there?" Tyler finally asked.

"…there are four of us here. By now two would have already entered the house and the other one_"

"The sniper" Tyler interrupted him remembering the close call that he almost had Drake's eyes widened in surprised.

Just who was this kid?

"Weapons?" Tyler ignored Drake's reaction and proceeded to ask.

"The woman Vinny uses dual pistols while our captain Valentine has a UMP .45" Drake quickly described his teammates in as much detail as he could. When he was done Tyler nodded.

"Alright I'll let you live" Tyler said and without further delay hit Drake on the side of his head with the butt of his gun. Tyler watched coldly as Drake dropped to the ground before looking towards Tai Long who was still unconscious.

"Now onto the next problem"

There was honestly nothing more that Tyler could do for Tai Long other than tie a belt around his shoulder wound and then wrap two thick pieces of wood to both of his broken limbs with a piece of cloth. At this moment he simply laid Tai Long on his back then he proceeded to strip out of his crimson uniform.

[AN: The whole gang hasn't taken off their uniforms by the wasy]

His body size was almost proportional to Drake's attire so he shameless stole the latter's clothing and left him in only his boxers while he bound his arms behind his back with a belt.

Right now Tyler was wearing black cargo pants and a long sleeved black leather top that had a thin layer of Kevlar underneath him. He still wore his black shoes though but overall he was now ready to move on. He walked back towards the direction of the main house. He dashed along the pavement road, right past the fountain and even the black SUV that was parked out front. After a moment he paused behind the vehicle.

The sniper, who Tyler now knew as Skip had tried to get a few shots in but Tyler moved faster than he could aim. Tyler looked towards the direction where he thought Skip was even though he couldn't see him.

I'll deal with you soon enough, he thought to himself as he swiftly moved through the front entrance and into a familiar short corridor that led to the family room. The place looked like a gunfight had taken place. It also didn't help with the fact that there were two bodies directly before him and another one a short distance away. The sound of gunfire still coming from the distance.

Skip cursed as he tapped his radio.

Vinny was behind a wall. She was starting to get annoyed now. How were they supposed to complete this job and get paid in full when there were annoyances such as these.

"Vinny they kid I told you about earlier just entered the house and is coming your way" the radio by her hip chimed.

Great another annoyance.

"You need to be careful with this one. I'm having a bad feeling" Skip said before he went radio silent.

Vinny got out of her hiding place with a barrel roll. Shoot rang out but they missed her as she came to a stop. Her one knee on the ground while another pointing at the ceiling her upper body was straight and her guns were stretched out. The man who had just shoot at her couldn't duck his head in time before Vinny pulled her triggers and a bullet through his throat while another one went through his skull. The other man behind the couch immerged and fired his own round only for his slide to pop as a 'click' sound was heard. He was out of bullets also out of luck.

Bang! The man found himself flung back as his brain was mushed by the bullet's force and he flopped to the ground like a fish.

Phew! Vinny breathed out before ejecting her own magazine and inserting a fresh clip in both her guns. It was now time to deal with the final annoyance.

In another part of the manor. A man with a burly figure stood infront of an open metallic box. This was the manor's fuse box. The man's gaze narrowed when he saw the spot marble shaped device. This was the very same device that had released the EMP pulse and basically short-circuited the power. This man was none other than Mr. Bright. He had long since heard that the explosion but he knew his men could manage so long as it wasn't anything too anomalous. Unfortunately, not long after that the sound of gunfire had caught him off guard and he had a feeling that he would never see some of his men ever again. In this situation the best thing to do would be to make sure the young master, his friends and Wilfred were safe so without wasting time he moved to check on the garage.

Luckily, the Benz that had gone to pick the young master up wasn't tampered with. He reflexively reached for the little transmitter in his jacket collar but immediately shook his head when he remembered what kind of situation they were in.

"Guess I'll just have to go and get them"


"Switching to thermos" Skip who was still on the roof said through his radio as he flicked a switch on the side of his sniper scope. Immediately the view changed and he was could see flared images that gave off an orange glow. These were the heat signatures of the people who were currently in the house and a total of six individual people. Skip relayed this information to Valentine who was currently heading up a flight of stairs.

"Got it" Valentine replied to his radio. He currently hugged an UMP .45 to his chest. His gaze narrowing. The room where the target was most definitely located. He moved with slow deliberate steps. He already knew the number of people who were behind this door. He reached for the door knob and twisted. The door was locked.

Duke and Buke looked at each other skeptically. They knew Tyler had told them to lock the door so there was no way that the one opening would be him. There was a chance that it was Mr. Bright though because he was the one who knew where they currently were or it was one of the attackers.

It was a very difficult choice to make and the wrong move would spill badly for them all. So what were they supposed to do?

Before they could make the decision though the door burst open. As a boot kicked it open. In came Valentine who immediately struck out with his gun. It hit Buke in the nose.

Caught off guard he could only stagger backwards. Duke reacted by throwing a fist that landed on Valentine's cheek. Valentine not expecting the fast counter felt dizzy for a moment but he still kicked into Duke's chest sending him flying backwards. Valentine then proceeded to aim his gun in the direction of Buke but the later had already kicked out, knocking the gun out of his hands and sliding across the floor.

'This is going to be difficult' was the only thought that ran through Valentine's head. Buke stood before him in a stance. Fists forward, left leg slightly in front of the right and a fierce gaze. Valentine felt a slither of threat from him and it would only increase further when Duke regained his balance. Valentine knew that he couldn't let that happen so he had to incapacitate Buke as fast as possible and the latter seemed so know this as well. He was planning to last as long as possible.