Chapter 59: It worked a little too well

Among the three who were hiding, Rochelle was the first to bob her head out. She was still visibly shaken. Everyone had heard the sounds of gunfire and had assumed the worst but upon hearing Tyler's voice, she relaxed a bit before approaching him.

When she was close enough, she finally noticed the former's attire. She scanned from head to toe. From the cargo pants to the gun in his hands she had a lot of questions for him but she didn't know where to start. In fact her mind couldn't help but think back to the way he had acted when they encountered the man on the bike in fact he still hadn't told her what that was about and even to this day Nate had no idea that any of that had occurred.

Tyler had anticipated this kind of reaction but he still sighed. After all, Tyler was still a teenager so naturally he wouldn't want to lose the fewest people whom he called his dear friends. And he wouldn't want his past to be the direct cause of that loss.

It seems I'll have a lot of explaining to do, he thought.

"I'll tell you guys about this later. But for now no one should go outside until I give the signal that its safe" Tyler's voice was commanding and it seemed irrefutable. There was a certain seriousness in his tone that served to tell them of how important this actually was.

At that point Mr. Bright had appeared behind him.

"What are you planning to do?" he asked

"There's a sniper nearby…I'm going to take care of him" Tyler said it as though it was the most obvious thing to do.

Mr. Bright nodded his head up and down absent mindedly before sharply looking up at Tyler and screaming:


"It's the best course of action. You're injured, Duke isn't in the right state of mind and we need to hurry up in order to get the police as well as medical help for those who are injured" Tyler explained.

"Wait Tyler," Nate spoke for the first time since he saw the former. "Look I know you're strong but its too dangerous"

Tyler's lips twitched. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Him? In danger? He hardly believed there was anyone out there who could even him a sense of danger.

Even Mr. Bright had a strange expression on his face.

"Relax buddy" Tyler said while turning to Mr. Bright. "Make sure you take one of their radios and wait for my call"

Tyler gave his friends some parting words before heading out the room. His expression becoming complicated when he saw Duke sitting in the corridor, leaning onto the wall. His brother lying next to him. Tyler made it to the Front door and crouched. From here on out he'd have to move carefully.

It was only now that he realized he didn't really know how to go about his next actions.

"I wonder how I can get out of here?" Tyler thought out loud. He then heard movement behind him. It definitely wasn't an enemy, Drake had made it clear that it was a small four man team. One sniper, three grounders unless Drake was an Oscar winning actor then Tyler was screwed though Tyler highly doubted this.

"I can help you with that" it was Mr. Bright. Tyler looked towards the latter's injured arm.

"I might not be able to shoot but I can definitely still drive" Mr. Bright said. Wryly smiling.

It had been ten minutes and Skip still hadn't heard anything from his teammates. Though he wasn't really worried about them he had a gut feeling that something might have gone wrong. Feeling this way how could he not look through the scope of his sniper?

As if to confirm his thoughts he saw a car moving forward from around the compound, the garage that is and it was the same Benz that had taken the kids from the school a few hours ago.

The target was trying to escape! Given the urgency of this issue he didn't even try to confirm his thoughts with the thermal scope mode. The Benz zoomed past the front gates and shoot off towards the city. Things were happening too fast.

"The target is going through High Street! I repeat the target is going through High Street!

[AN: The Chisel Manor is located along a neighborhood called High Street where there are other high class living residences…sorry forgot to mention this earlier]

Still not receiving any feedback, Skip could only grit his teeth as he focused on the vehicle that was getting further and further away.

Unbeknownst to him another vehicle had also taken off but this time from the front of the main compound's doors. If Skip was still paying attention he would have easily recognized it as the SUV that Vinny and Valentine had been driving a few moments ago.

Passing through the rich neighborhood, Mr. Bright had an anxious expression on his face. He hoped his plan of attracting the sniper had worked. Suddenly the back windshield exploded into tiny fragments of glass. Mr. Bright grit his teeth as he swerved the vehicle to the side while ducking his head underneath the dashboard.

It seemed the plan had worked a little too well!

At that point Skip pulled the metal piece across the sniper's body an empty shell was ejected from the gun. Not wasting any moving movements he gracefully took aim and fired another shot. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Bright was an expert when it came to defensive driving. And the result ended with the bullet scraping through the door on the driver's side of the car.

Though he had managed to evade the shoot, it still startled him. Who in the world would be this damn good at shooting?

As this thought came in his mind, another bullet tore through the headrest of his seat. Lucky for him his head was still low so he managed to escape a headshot.

"Fuck! That kid better hurry the fuck! Up or else I'll end up seeing my ancestors before its even my time!" Mr. Bright shouted at the top of his lungs.

Meanwhile said "kid" just casually pressed the paddle to the floor quite literally. The black SUV was a large car and even at this time the road he was going through was busy but that was to be expected, after all he was in a residential part of the city not too far off from the High Street and this was the time when people usually knocked off from work and eagerly went back to their apartments after all, the city wasn't particularly safe during the night especially when more people had been found dead with their blood sucked dry completely.

Media speculated that it was an underground blood "donating" organization who got their blood through these murders. That was enough to get people afraid to even exit their houses.

With the way Tyler was speeding the SUV, he wondered just how long it would be before someone phoned in a complaint to the police. After that he later turned into a less crowded street that was lined with tall apartment blocks with a few shops here and there. Finally he had arrived infront of an old looking apartment. It had cracks in its walls here and there, a few broken windows. It was practically a run down place.

It was the perfect place for a sniper. It was the tallest building God knows how it was able to continue standing, there was little to no people around and if people came looking for him, this would be the last place anyone would check.

Getting out of the vehicle, Tyler didn't even bother to shut the engine off. Time was of the essence. Who knew how long Mr. Bright had before the sniper could get to him.

Tyler unceremoniously opened the door. He was in an equally run down corridor. An elevator stood at the end. Running up to the door Tyler could only helplessly sigh.

The elevator was out of service. Turning, he could see the door that led up the stairs. All the way from the lobby to the 50th floor.
