Chapter 61: Shameless

Tyler moved a step but he suddenly found himself ten meters away. Now it truly felt like his body was foreign to him. He 'saw' the sniper aim his rifle at him and without even thinking, he leapt to the side and directly flew over the edge of the roof.

Luckily before he went completely overboard he managed hang onto the ledge with his single arm. After the sniper saw the threat directly fly off the roof, he didn't believe that he would survive, so he immediately tried to aim at the runaway Benz once more. Unfortunately he lost track of his target.

Of course this sniper was none other than Skip. He held a solemn expression on his face at this moment as he looked through his scope.

"Damnit" he cursed.

At that moment Tyler took deep breaths before leaping back onto the roof. After getting himself back up he had a strange expression as he saw his hand print impeded on the ledge that he had used to balance himself. It would seem that he would have to get a proper bearing of his body or he may end up destroying a lot of items back home.

And what was the best way to do this?

He smiled as he looked towards Skip's back

"Yo!" Tyler shouted. Skip immediately turned around once again, startled by Tyler's sudden appearance.

"How?" he muttered under his breath in confusion, he was sure that Tyler should have fallen off the roof and should have become ground paste by now.

"No need to think man let's just get this over with" Tyler's temperament shifted to one of battle

When he saw that Skip was standing still he decided to take initiative. He took a step forward. His movement slow and deliberate.

Skip seeing this immediately aimed his sniper and pulled the trigger. Tyler smoothly rolled to the side and even aimed his own handgun. He let out two short bursts. Two bullets. One bullet smacked into the sniper rifle knocking it out of Skip's hands so abruptly. The force made Skip's hands go numb and a small shout escaped his lips.

Stumbling two steps backwards, his initial instinct was to step to the left side but Tyler's second bullet landed right next to that foot forcing him to not move at all. With no weapon as well as no mobility, Skip only had one choice.

To move forward and risk a hand to hand confrontation.

This was exactly what Tyler was looking for. If he wanted to adapt to his body he needed a rigorous activity and what could be more rigorous that a fist fight.

Not shying away in the slightest, Tyler unilaterally closed the distance

Skip narrowed his eyes and realized that he was lured into this kind of confrontation and upon looking closely, he realized that his opponent was a kid…correction a teenager but a kid regardless and on top of that it was the same kid he had spotted walking on the roof of the manor!

Skip became more cautious after this realization. And his guard was at a hundred percent.

"How did you know I was here?" Skip asked

"The guy in the woods...what was his name? Drake?" Tyler replied casually. There was no malice in his voice, he wasn't even taking Skip seriously. Why would he? His strength had reached a level where he was practically an overpowered character trampling a few ants. "But that doesn't matter though. Whether you live or die will all depend on how you perform"

Those words that Tyler had spoken. It was akin to looking down on his opponent and at this moment Skip felt humiliated.

"Do you think you can look down on me you brat?!" Skip struck out with his leg aiming for the side of Tyler's head.

Tyler could feel the twitching of Skip's leg muscles using his new long range senses. He knew what Skip would do before he could even do it. Tyler simply leaned his head backwards and with minimal effort. The kick missed and Skip's foot swerved directly past his nose. Skip was wide open but instead of attacking he simply shifted his feet. Taking a step to the side.

Skip thought that Tyler had barely dodged his attacks. His confidence in winning this fight soared as a sharp murderous intent permeated from his eyes.

His fists shot forward, in a three strike combo that aimed for Tyler's throat, solar plexus and ribs. Tyler immediately countered with his arms and knees. Tyler's coordination was already improving as he held back his power and struck out with his knee too, releasing a small portion of his power.

Skip immediately raised his own knee to counter but was caught off guard by Tyler's subtle increase in power. He was pushed back two steps. His knee now aching mildly. His eyes narrowed when he saw Tyler's fist coming towards the side of his face. He immediately rolled his shoulder and raised his forearm to defend.


If Skip wasn't sure of it before, he was now. Tyler's strength had been more than what it was before!

"Brace yourself," Tyler advised as he took the initiative once more. And the more exchanges they had, the more power that Tyler released his strength and the more Skip was pushed back.

They had only exchanged blows for a minute at most but Skip's legs and arms were all swollen and numb and it seemed like Tyler wasn't done.

Tyler had fulfilled his purpose, he had now adapted to his body by about 70 percent. For the rest, he would have to adjust in his free time. It was finally time to end this.

Skip whose knees were shaking internally lamented 'How the hell is this kid so strong! His technique and form is even better than most veteran soldiers!'

Skip turned his head behind him and realized that he had been pushed to the end of the roof. Down below lay an alley with a broad rectangular trash been, its lid was open and it seemed to be filled as well. He thought of jumping at first but he immediately dismissed the idea. The building was over 60 meters above ground. There was no way he could risk it.

He looked back at Tyler who had prepared for a final charge.

Tyler bent his knees and propelled himself forward. All Skip could see was a blur before Tyler appeared right before him. Tyler planted his fist into his gut and it felt like someone had struck him with a fully swung baseball bat.

He felt his internal organs violently shook as the pain travelled throughout his body with his gut as the focal point. He felt a liquid travel up his throat as the taste of iron filled his mouth.


Without any control whatsoever mouthfuls of blood leaked from his mouth as he whizzed in pain.

He once again stumbled a step backwards, directly stepping above the ledge. One step away from falling over.

"You people never should have come after Nate," when Tyler spoke Skip felt his hair stand on end. One thought going through his mind.

'This guy is a monster!'


Tyler sent a roundhouse kick with explosive strength. His foot directly landing on Skip's chest. Immediately the latter's ribcage collapsed under the might of Tyler's kick. His bones directly puncturing his lungs and heart before the force sent him flying five meters into the air.

Skip's vision slowly faded as he saw the roof going further and further into the sky. No his body was falling into the alley below! His body landed mercilessly into the trash bin where the force of the impact ironically forced its lid shut.

Tyler exhaled a breath. He took out the radio he had appropriated from Vinny.

Mr. Bright had finally gotten respite from the sniper's deadly shots. He parked by a tree and was resting his head on the steering wheel. Less than a minute ago he called the police and told them about the attack at Chisel Manor and now he was only waiting for Tyler's word.

Tch! His radio chimed

"Crisis averted"

Mr. Bright's head shot up so fast that it wouldn't be surprising if it directly flew off his neck. The kid actually did it!

Mr. Bright didn't know what to think anymore.

Tyler turned away from the edge where Skip had fallen below and prepared to head back down when the sniper rifle that was lying on the ground, caught his eye. He flicked it up with his foot and caught it in his arms, slowly checked its condition.

Other than the bullet that bluntly knocked onto its barrel, it was in top notch condition. It was a meter long gun with an advanced scope capable of using thermal, night vision and had a good range too. It could only be described as the perfect weapon. The sniper instantly paired with him. It felt like an extension of his body. It may have sounded strange but it felt like he was connected with the weapon.

Tyler couldn't help but feel nostalgic as he was reminded of his time at the ACD. He wasn't going to lie. He naturally missed them but…he was slowly finding his place in this city.

"I may be a normal teenager now but I can't help it. And besides I deserve a reward for all my hard work tonight."

With that shameless thought, Tyler rested the large gun onto his shoulder before casually walking down the stairwell. Completely forgetting to check out what he had expelled a few moments ago.