Chapter 66: A bet?

Jex smiled when he heard the final bell of the day go off. His blood boiling with excitement. This would be the very first fight that he was looking forward to after the disappointment he had when he faced the weak fledgling vampires on the day of the moon ceremony about a week ago. Honestly who sends weak vampires inorder to open a portal to another world? Though his master just said they were lucky it turned out that way, Jex wasn't happy at all. He wasn't satisfied with easy fights as he loved to naturally fight as well as test his limits.

He stood from his seat and walked out of class 3C. He walked towards the stairs and headed to the roof of the school building.

As he walked he wondered how he was going to approach this fight. He had never fought against any cultivators other than his master John and he was always on the losing end. His master had told him that even though Jex has yet to fully transform into his wolf form, his strength was comparable to a peak 1st Rank cultivator and was even stepping into the 2nd Rank.

And though he just met Tyler he speculated that he has to at least be close to this mark for him to counter his aura which he liked to call Beast Aura. It seems that like Tyler, Jex also had a habit of naming things in the way that he liked and not the official terms recognized by those that were naturally born and raised into this kind of world where martial cultivators, vampires and werewolves existed. Though his master had told him that mages also existed…it just sounded too unrealistic.

'I'm honestly curious to know just how much stronger I am than my peers…especially among cultivators' Jex thought to himself as he got to the roof. 

It was empty except for the one air conditioner that was to the left of the door about five meters away and another that was 10 meters to the right. Tyler hadn't arrived yet.

"Shit what if he decides to bail on me?" Jex rubbed his fingers on his forehead as if he would get a headache anytime now. 

"Ah screw it. He'll probably come" 

He sat on the floor without a second thought and he looked at the setting sun. It was a beautiful sight but then "…I feel like I'm forgetting something very important"

Somewhere in the city, in a small two story dojo that looked like a villa, a man with a height of 5'7" sat in a lotus position on the floor. He had smooth black hair that was tied in a ponytail. The most distinctive black eyes and a short black beard. He may have looked small on the outside but the power he held was incredible. This was Jex's master, John. A 3rd Rank cultivator barely on his way to the 4th.

His eyes were closed as he took in a deep breath. Energy could be felt surging toward him as he breathed. Before him sat five people dressed in kimonos if Tyler was here he would surely be shocked because all five of them followed after John. All of the could use feel the energy in the world. World energy surging towards them before entering their bodies through their nostrils before settling in their bodies as Qi and all traces of it disappearing. Completely undetectable if they ever came in contact with other martial cultivators.

This was completely different from Tyler because unlike him all of these people had all their energy stored in their dantians located somewhere in their abdomen. The only way it could be detected was if they intentionally released it, they also used a technique to hide their power levels.

Out of these five people there was only one woman and four men. Two of these men would easily be recognized as Rock, the scared man who had helped Tyler back when he was surrounded by Houston's men and the other one was Seojun, Kim's uncle. They were all in the peak of 1st Rank and would soon be crossing over to the 2nd Rank.

John finally opened his eyes. He stood before them all and spoke in a low voice.

"Alright students that will be all for today" he stated which immediately got everyone's attention

Seojun was prepared to speak but the woman beat him to it.

"Master is there a reason?" she asked politely.

"Yes there is but I'm afraid I can't share with you yet as it is something that I need to carry out personally" John replied as he looked at all his students one by one.

"Does it have something to do with Jex's absence?" the woman asked again.

"Yes it is. As you know Jex is different from all of us. He is already on the verge of forming his spirit core and I'm afraid that his core will be forming very, very soon," John had a solemn expression on his face as he said this.

The woman didn't seem to understand why John would have such an expression on his face when one of his best students would actually ascend to a higher level. As a master he was supposed to be happy, right?

John could tell what his students were thinking and he could only shake his head. Jex's core formation would form when he fully transformed and integrated with his wolf spirit. When that happened his natural beast instincts to hunt would take over abd ultimately suppress his rationality until his transformation comes to an end. That was the reason why John was worried but that wasn't even the main issue.

The bigger problem was Alpha Salazar. If he got any indications that Jex had survived as a child it would brew to a large number of problems. 

'I just hope we deal with the vampires before that' he thought to himself

Unfortunately, it seemed that fate had something else planned.

"Are you sure you don't want us to wait for you?" Nate asked as he got into the Benz that would take them home. Tyler had decided to just see his friends off before going to meet Jex.

"Would you relax man I'll be alright" Tyler reassured him. Nate nodded. 

Tyler felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Rochelle looking at him intently.

"You better not cause too much trouble" she said strictly to which Tyler inwardly laughed

'Ha ha ha…I highly doubt that though'

Rochelle followed after Nate and Tyler shut the door to the car for them. Wilfred looked out the driver's door and looked at him. 

"Take care Tyler," he said kindly. After the incident yesterday it seemed as if the overprotective butler had changed his view of Tyler.

Tyler merely gave a nod to which Wilfred nodded back and drove off. Tyler turned away from the school's front entrance and heading right back in to the schools main block. The school was almost empty with only the janitors cleaning the classes and some teachers still exiting the place. The sun was going down.

Tyler went up the stairs all the way to the top. His heart pounded within his rib cage. Would he be able to learn more about his Force Energy? Where it comes from? 

Was Jex just someone who like him had discovered this energy by chance? No that didn't seem to be the case, it seemed as though Jex had known about this for a while now, probably years. It had to be remembered that although Tyler would somehow use Force energy in the past, it wasn't as volatile and as flexible as he would today and it also had to be remembered that Tyler had only been using this Force for less than four weeks and yet he had already progressed so far. 

He had formed a spirit core after a mere three weeks which would make him a legitimate 1st Rank cultivator in the martial world. He would be the greatest genius in existence…No he would simply be called a monster in human flesh! That is, if they knew he actually existed. But for now they did not.

Tyler arrived before the entrance to the roof. He took a deep breath before pushing it open. The shadows from the setting sun hitting the air conditioners hit his face. Tyler looked forward and smiled slightly as he looked at the person lying on the floor of the roof on his side while leaning his head on his one arm. His expression carefree.

This scene somehow reminded Tyler of the time when he leaned onto one of Adwoc's jeeps, equally carefree before tossing his lollipop on the ground.

"Did I keep you waiting?" Tyler asked to which Jex responded by standing and stretching his limbs.

"Finally! Took you long enough" he said 

"Well I had to make sure my friends and sister were gone so that I can have a free mind" Tyler shrugged

"Your sister?" Jex asked with a thoughtful expression on his face.


"Is she also a cultivator like you?" Jex asked as if he was trying to find out something

"What do you mean cultivator? Like a farmer?" Tyler asked with a confused expression which somewhat irritated Jex.

"Really dude? You don't have to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about! I mean I even saw you use Qi back there!" Jex shouted as he pointed a finger at the door behind Tyler.

Tyler seemed to be even lost at his words. Qi? What the fuck was that?

'If I recall correctly, I used my Force back there to repel his Force….wait he wouldn't mean…'

"You mean Force?" Tyler asked dumbfounded

"Force? Wait you calling it Force?"Jex seemed to be pissed. "Its official name is Qi you dumbass" 

Jex didn't know what to think anymore. Was this guy such an idiot?

"Qi? That's a ridiculous name don't you think?" Tyler asked with a thoughtful expression on his face. This proved one thing, Jex had been using Force for a very long time.

"How long have you been cultivating?" Jex asked again


"I mean using Force-I mean Qi?"

"Oh that…About four weeks now?" Tyler asked with a blank expression.

"Bullshit! You're telling me that you've only been cultivating for four weeks and you are already this strong?!" Jex exclaimed.

"I'm not kidding" Tyler stated in a matter of fact with a shrug

Jex stayed silent for a moment. Though it sounded ridiculous, it didn't seem like Tyler was lying. If he wasn't then it only meant that Tyler had a more monstrous talent than him. As the thought came in his mind a flame ignited in his eyes. This would be even more exciting!

"Alright shall we begin then?" Jex finally said

"Wait before that…let's make a bet" Tyler said with a serious expression

"A bet?" Jex inquired

"Yeah. If I win you tell me all I need to know about Force and on top of that you start calling it Force instead of Qi," Tyler stated. He just didn't want to fight without gaining anything and secondly it slightly irritated him that someone was calling the energy he used something else which he didn't prefer.

Jex's lips twitched. "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. The word Qi just doesn't sit well with me" Tyler nodded coolly

Jex laughed 

"You're crazy. I like it" Jex replied before saying: "Fine if I win you join me and master and become my disciple brother"

Tyler grinned and even though he didn't know exactly what a disciple brother was he thought he had an idea. He replied: "It's a bet then"

Jex grinned wildly too. "A bet it is"

Without further ado they took their stances.

This would be a fight between Tyler and Jex.

Man vs wolf