| What Just Happened?


I let go of Vanessa's wrists, wanting to cup her other firm ass cheek, needing to push her harder against me. Her hands fell to my shoulders, and she slowly weaved her fingers through the hair at the back of my neck. Every inch of my body was electrified, ready to consume this woman in every way imaginable.

Both of us were breathing rapidly, and I almost lifted her off her feet as I gripped her ass harder, tighter between my fingers. We were both already lost-lost at the moment, lost in each other. The harder I pressed against her, the tighter she gripped my hair. I couldn't stop myself from moving my hips, grinding my cock against her, wishing we were naked. Dry humping was never my style.

"James," she moaned softly against my cheek, but it sounded more like a plea.

"I want you, Vanessa. I want you so bad it's almost impossible to fucking breathe right now." I leaned back, ready to finally taste her. To feel her lips against mine as I claimed her mouth with vehement strokes of my tongue. I didn't even care that Enzo and Antonio were nearby. All I cared about was her, feeling her, having her, claiming her-fucking caging her.

I wanted her.

I needed her.

I craved her.

And I would fucking have her.

She lifted her chin, and I leaned down, ready to have my first taste of Vanessa Bologna. So close, I could feel her warm breath against my wet lips.

She paused, our lips barely touching.

"We can't do this," she whispered, and I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to throw her over my shoulder, spank her, and kidnap her to a place where I could be buried inside her twenty-four-seven.

Vanessa placed her hands on my chest and looked down. "I can't do this with you, James. Not with you."



She nudged lightly against my chest. "I'm sorry. I have to go." Then she slipped away, leaving me to rest my head against the cold, hard wall.

Jesus Christ. I could hardly catch my goddamn breath, leaning like a loser against the wall with an aching cock the size of fucking Japan. What is the name of the ever-loving fuck just happened? I lost it. I completely lost myself...in her. It was insane, it was stupid, it was reckless...and it sure as hell needed to happen again.

When I finally managed to grab a shred of control, I turned and took a deep breath. That was when I saw him-Enzo Morello standing a few feet away, looking freaky as shit while he stared at me. Did he see what happened between Vanessa and me? How long had he been standing there in the shadows like a fucking vampire?

An epic stare-off took place between us for what seemed like ages before he finally shot me an arrogant grin and walked off.

Whatever the fuck that was, it sure as shit wasn't good.



The half-hour trip home felt like it lasted half a day. The silence was excruciating. Even Daniel, who couldn't go ten minutes without talking, was eerily quiet the entire way. It didn't take a genius to know Antonio was busy simmering, building and building to full-blown rage.

He hated Enzo. He hated all the Morellos. I never fully understood the rivalry between us and them. But ever since the Morellos moved into town, our families were at each other's throats. I once heard my dad tell Antonio that Morellos threatened our family business. I never asked exactly what kind of business. I didn't want to know. All I knew was he wasn't referring to the family restaurant.

I glanced at Antonio sitting in the front passenger seat. Daniel and I had kept my sordid secret for as long as we could. But after tonight, it was all about to get cracked wide open.

It didn't have to be spelt out for Antonio to figure out there was a kind of history between me and Enzo. God, I hated myself. I hated myself for ever falling for Enzo's lies. For being so naïve and stupid I believed a man like him could have a good side-a heart. If I had been stronger, I would have spared myself all those long nights of crying, not to mention the embarrassment.

I leaned my head against the window and watched the city lights forming a straight line of yellow as Daniel sped down the streets. This was supposed to be his night, his birthday. And now, because of me, it was ruined. It wasn't even midnight yet, and we were already on our way home. Probably not what my brother had in mind for his birthday celebration.

"I'm sorry, Daniel," I muttered, not lifting my head off the window.

"Sorry, Daniel?" Antonio sneered. "You're apologizing to Daniel?"

I lifted my head and looked at him while he stared out his passenger-side window. "Who should I be apologizing to?"

Finally, Antonio turned in his seat and looked at me. "How about the entire damn family?"

I scoffed. "For what?"

He shrugged. "Oh, I don't know. For embarrassing the family. For putting the family name to shame."

"Antonio, stop," Daniel chimed in, but I leaned forward and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"No, it's okay." I glared at Antonio.

"Tell me, dear brother, what is it that you think I did that put our family name to shame?"

"Please, Vanessa. It was pretty clear what happened between you two. And the cop? You're fooling around with a cop? Do you feel so little for our family values, for our rules?"

And that was the moment I finally lost it.

"Our family values? Our rules? You mean your rules. Your and Dad's rules."

"Rules that were put in place for our protection."

"Protection from what?"

"From our enemies," he snapped.

"Our enemies? I'm sorry, Antonio, but how the hell did your enemies become mine?"

"You carry the Bologna name, Vanessa." He raised his voice, his dark eyes wild with anger. "You are a part of this fucking family, so that makes you a part of everything."

"You see, that's exactly it. I don't want to be a part of all this. I don't want any part in the family business which is causing this war between us and the Morello's."

Antonio glared at me. "Well, you don't have a fucking choice."

"And that's exactly why I've tried to get as far away from this family as possible for the last four years. Everywhere I go, I'm nothing more than a mafia princess, the big boss's daughter, and the little sister of a Bologna underboss. I want my own goddamn life, to live by my own rules, but thanks to all of you, I will never be able to do that."

I didn't even realize I was practically screaming out that last part until I noticed Antonio staring at me as I had morphed into a three-headed alien.

Maybe I had. But I didn't give a shit.