| The Best-Worse Mistake Ever


(Flashback Continues)

I gave Kat a peck on the cheek. "Okay, then. It's time for me to go pimp myself and make new friends." Kat laughed, and I smiled. "Love you."

"Love you too."

I shoved one of the unpacked boxes out of the way and against the wall as I walked out the front door. We'd only moved in three days ago, and both Kat and I were slow unpackers.

As I stepped outside, I glanced up and down the road. It wasn't exactly one of the richest neighborhoods, but at least it wasn't one of the worst.

I placed the earphones in my ears and pressed play on my phone. It was a way to make the other kids think I didn't give a shit — that I was too preoccupied with listening to the latest top forty hits to even realize I knew no one.