| Wired To Obey


A tear fell on the top of my hand as the memory assaulted me with a vengeance, and as I stared down at the white scars that still marred my skin, my body shuddered. It happened a long time ago, long enough for the scars to have faded. But it was still there. It was there to remind me that nothing but quintessence was acceptable.

The lock on the door clicked and I hastily placed the glass down. I turned to see Karina standing by the door with a tray in her hands.

"You're up." She smiled. "I hope you slept well because lord knows I didn't."

I shifted uncomfortably as I clutched my hands together. I wasn't used to such open friendliness and vulnerability.

She frowned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm… I know you're my new master's sister, but I've never learned the right way to address… someone like you."