| Seeing Shit


Good God. I had no idea what the fuck was happening. All I knew was I liked holding her. I liked having her in my arms, giving her comfort. It felt good. As if caring for this woman had the power to liberate me from my demons. The warmth that spread through my chest felt so unfamiliar but so fucking good.

"Anna." I eased her back, wanting to see her face. I wiped a few strands of hair from her cheek and gazed down at her. "You need to eat… please."

The shock on her face when she heard me use the word please wasn't surprising. The word had probably never been spoken to her by anyone.

"Would it please you, sir? If I ate?"

I could practically hear Vanessa's voice, screaming at me to tell Anna I wasn't her master. I wasn't her owner. But I was a selfish bastard, and I wasn't ready to let go of the hold I had on this beautiful, broken girl.