| His Queen And His Downfall



My hit list was becoming increasingly longer by the fucking day. But I didn't give two flying fucks if I had to go on a murderous rampage, killing every motherfucker I could get my hands on. I would find every son of a bitch who had a hand in Anna — Rachel's ruin.

God, it was a beautiful name. Rachel.

I wasn't bullshitting when I said it was a beautiful name for a beautiful, broken girl. But there was still so much more of her to uncover. More I had to learn about her and the mystery that surrounded her. She was an enigma, a puzzle I wanted to solve, and slowly but surely I would accomplish just that. But now, my broken girl needed some rest.

"Come on, you need to get some sleep."

Like the obedient little lamb she was, she followed me without hesitation. I loved and hated it. I loved that she obeyed me without question, but hated the way she was turned into this docile, tame little pet.