| The Power Of Powerful Friends


Lucian scoffed at my statement. "I'm not worried, just a little… edgy."

He gave me a look and I narrowed my suspecting eyes on him. "Why?"

"We're upping the numbers, cous. One, you can get away with unnoticed. Two, there's a slight risk. But more than that, you're bound to raise some eyebrows."

"I don't give a fuck about anyone getting suspicious. All I care about is killing every one of these motherfuckers."

"Anthony, cousin," Lucian roughed his fingers through his hair, "I get why you need to do this. All I'm saying is we need to make sure we leave no trail. That nothing leads to us. Right now, even the common goddamn thug on the street knows about Anna. If people with connections to her start disappearing, we'll be on everyone's fucking radar."

I straightened the sleeves of my jacket. "And why, exactly, do you think I give a fuck?"