| One More Rule



It was dark. He was quiet. Too quiet.

Before we left the estate, he only said one thing. "Do not doubt me." That was it. Nothing else.

The entire way, he kept his focus on the road in front of us. Now and then I would glance his way, taking in his stark features. Anthony was a beautiful man. A powerful man. Even as I grew more confident around him, he had a presence that still demanded my submission. I often found myself wondering what a gorgeous, rich, alpha-dominant man like him saw in a plain woman like me. But I chose not to question it since every one of his actions only confirmed his feelings for me.

He was possessive, and not afraid to show it. Protective, and brave enough to stand against anyone who threatened those he loved. But he was also dark, wicked, and confident enough to not apologize for it. Anthony was every ounce of the king I grew to love with every fiber of my being.