| A Show To Never Forget


Zoloft stepped back, his wide eyes focused on me. "My, my, my. Seems like the Bologna heir managed to fuck a spine into you."

My chest rose and fell, my rapid, shallow breathing causing my lungs to expand even though it didn't feel like I was breathing. I was too busy concentrating on the rage, turning it into courage so I could have the strength to not show weakness.

Zoloft tilted his head to the side, studying me. "I will kill him for that, you know. For putting his filthy hands on you, touching what's mine. Even if my reputation wasn't at stake, I'd still drive my knife through his heart." He leaned forward, cold, hard eyes pinned on me. "Then I'll spend the rest of my life fucking him out of you in the most unimaginable ways. You think you've seen the worst of me. You're wrong." The hate in his eyes caused me to shudder, and I felt the strength I had a few seconds ago evaporate.

I stepped back, and he smiled. "Not so brave now, are you?"